Do you think if you post a sexy picture of yourself that you're inviting the kind of people you don't want to date?
Sure...go for it!!! I'm sure no one on this site will judge you!! Hee hee!
You know you think that they wouldn't because of the kind of site it is but you know they do.
@SonderOpia I suppose it's Part of the Human Condition that's pretty hard to escape.
The real question is, ‘why do you want to post a sexy pic?’ I’m in no way being judgemental, it’s completely up to you, Only you will really know, but to answer your question, once that pic is out there then you have no control over how people react to it, most people are ok and would probably react positively but the few messed up individuals out there are usually the ones we remember.
@SpikeTalon it's a Xenomorph.
I grew up with three sisters as an only boy. It gave me a unique perspective on the strength and positive nature of women in general. I agree with some of the previous statements that it does not matter how another person presents themselves, it only matters how you treat them.
That seems like an easily answered question.regardless of what kind of picture you post,all kinds of people will view it.and if you post a hot sexy picture of yourself,who do YOU think is going to respond to it?And the sexier the picture is,the more humans will respond to it.Sex is a natural thing,inbred in everyone.and the sexier you appear,that many more will be interested.I did,however,just come up with a possible answer for you.any sexy pictures of you that you were thinking of posting,send to me first and I will give you a thumbs up or down,depending.hahahaHAHAHAhaha.....the last part really was a joke......sorta
I think you just answered your own question.
No clue. Never felt the need to post sexy pictures.
I don’t think so, necessarily. All of my pics are kinda sexy, yeah?
I dig the X-ray. Sexiness right there.
Are you happy posting that sexy picture
Are you comfortable with your sexuality
Is there sincerity in this episode
ex - Is like flashing water in the dessert -people will jump at you to quence thier thirst
I'm very comfortable with my sexuality. I just don't want a bunch of thirsty men trying to use me. Plus I want to know what others think about sexy pictures and by sexy I mean exposing a little more of your flesh.
@SonderOpia is nice to flash a bit here and there I suppose
Isn't sex appeal what gets the "Birds and Bees" business started between men and women? In my case, I've got about as much sex appeal and a dead goat. Most sites that post naked pictures of their patrons are just porn sites anyway. In the case of the women, most aren't real or available anyway so like they say in the fine print; entertainment only.
I'm only on this site so I wouldn't know what they do on other sides. I do know however that even people that are free thinkers and atheist can also be douchebags and sexist.
That's a real possibility, but you really want to live your life defensively! Do you?
@SonderOpia I'm saying that there is always the possibility of snakes being under the rocks, but most men, like myself would appreciate your effort. So, by all means, do what makes you comfortable!
Hard to say. I put perfectly ordinary (not even 'sexy', let alone 'sexual' photos on my PoF profile, and I still get plenty of guys typing with one hand down the front of his pants. Then again, I'm the embodiment of their fetish for them, so perhaps it's different if you're not.
I stay away from other dating sites to be honest. Those people scare me. And POF from what I heard is a hook-up site.
I swear, if more women start posting sexy pics, then I am going to do it, too. lol
I suspect that it's just more accepted when it's a woman posting sexy pics.
@Heart_Truth And what about itty-bitty bra and g-string? My basic point is that I suspect guys are usually viewed in a negative way, no matter what. While women don't just get a pass, but might get compliments.