What is the grossest or most adventurous thing you've ever eaten?
Calf brains, uni, liver and onions, raw egg dropped in a shot of vermouth! I wasn’t always a vegan Grossest vegan food was tempe I’ll prepared.
I tried chitlings once -- only once.
Forgot those on my post, at a jazz club in Harlem.. was kinda gross
@ArdentAtheist Not justr kinda gross!
Love sushi/sashimi/seaweed salad. Have had squid without frying it. Love raw clams, oysters
To preface: This was down in the deep South.
I've tried stewed possum before and to me, it was absolutely unpleasant.
I couldn't get that taste out of my mouth for 3 days.
I've heard a lot of good things about possum stew. Maybe it's an acquired taste.
@Mountain-Heathen yeah, maybe it is.
I just couldn't stomach it.
The taste and smell combined...
In surprised I didn't vomit.
Sea cucumber slimy stuff but was tasty
I've never even thought about eating sea cucumber. I'll have to try that!
Hmm. I guess the grossest and most adventurous thing I have ever eaten would be escargot.
Yummy !
the first time i ever ran away, i was not prepared. i ate everything from dog and cat food, to bugs, to algea, even got so hungry i had to cut a piece of meat off an old kill, i chose what looked like the least rotten piece and cooked it till it was a dried out bit of blackened jerky. by the time i ate that tho, i was so far into the woods i couldnt have gotten people food in time even if i had wanted to, you take what you can get when you are truly hungry.
Damn! Glad you made it through.
Nothing ! Been in the food business too long and try out anything once. if I dob't like it won't have it again. I like to be adventurist where food is concerned.
Same here! Though I was never really in the food business. I was just fat for a long time.
@Mountain-Heathen Thats good enough, kept me employed. Lol
Tried squid once. Ugh.
Calamarie ! Yummy.
When I was in middle school they had us dissect squid. Then cooked some on a bunson burner. ?
I eat with my eyes and mind first so I don't tend to try food outside my comfort zone. nothing I have eaten or tried to has been that gross as such.
@Kaudz im up for dating off of here but America is a bit far away lol.
Sorry... I didn't eat it. Saw LOTS of different critters still alive, or not, in "food" markets in Thailand, Viet Nam, Cambodia and Indonesia. I can't even talk about it. What I saw convinced me to completely stop eating most animals entirely... and salmon and chicken only rarely.
Army food!
I never had a problem with army food. Except for the omelette MRE. That shit was just wrong.
@Mountain-Heathen Our battalion cooks were awful. I used to pray (figure of speech) for c-rations.
I tried pickled pig's feet once. Would not recommend.
It's been a long time since I've had that, but I remember liking it.
That is one thing l have never come close to trying. What the hell is there to eat on a pigs foot?
Ewwwww! My grandfather used to eat pickled pigs feet. Disgusting!