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He's Lucky This Guy Didn't Beat The Living Shit Out Of Him. That Would Have Been Fun To Watch, Especially In Front Of His Young Daughter. I Truly Hate Him Enough To Say This. The Man's Name: Dan Bailey

"You are the worst human being known to man. I want you to know that," Bailey told Carlson. "What you have done to this state, to the United States, to everything else in this world. I don't care that your daughter's here. What you have done to everybody else in this world." Carlson, who was laughing at Bailey, said, "Settle down, son."
Bailey shot back, "'Son?' Don't call me son!"

barjoe 9 July 25

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I can’t understand a word. πŸ™

I transcribed what he said above. It was priceless.


Rich Boy was in a Sporting Goods store???????? Wearing a plaid shirt????!!!! Doubt it!

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