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Rudy Giuliani is Reportedly Almost Broke and Trump's Shutting Him Out.

By Mary Papenfuss, Huffington Post

Trump’s former personal attorney is currently embroiled in a massive $1.3 billion lawsuit filed against him by Dominion Voting Systems.

Donald Trump’s former personal attorney Rudy Giuliani is almost broke and Trump doesn’t seem to care all that much, sources have told The New York Times.

Giuliani is currently struggling under a mountain of legal fees as he attempts to fend off a major federal investigation and answer a $1.3 billion lawsuit. Trump, meanwhile, isn’t pitching in a dime of the millions he has raised in his ongoing battle against a legitimate election, according to New York Times White House correspondent Maggie Haberman.

Giuliani’s supporters are “aghast” that Trump isn’t helping out, according to Haberman, given that many of his activities were carried out on Trump’s behalf to push the former president’s “Big Lie” of a rigged election.

But helping Giuliani is “problematic” for the former president (and definitely for his bank account), and Giuliani should have known better than to undertake some of his activities, sources told Haberman.

The Washington Post also reported early this year that Trump had shut out his attorney, even though Giuliani had traveled the country promoting Trump’s tale of a stolen election. Trump was unhappy with Giuliani’s demand for $20,000 a day in fees, and “privately expressed concern” about some of Giuliani’s moves, sources told the newspaper then.

Not only was Trump refusing to pay Giuliani’s legal fees, but he told aides that all reimbursement requests for travel and other expenses needed to go through him, according to the Post.

Giuliani, who has been suspended from practicing law in New York and Washington, D.C., for his questionable activities, is currently embroiled in a massive $1.3 billion lawsuit filed against him by Dominion Voting Systems.

The suit accuses Giuliani of defamation through a “viral disinformation campaign about Dominion” made up of “demonstrably false” allegations, in part to enrich himself through legal fees and a podcast. Giuliani’s fact-free attack on Dominion was part of his and Trump’s baseless narrative about a rigged election.

Giuliani is also being investigated by the FBI for his activities on behalf of certain officials — and Trump — in Ukraine. He was part of Trump’s strategy to hold up Congress-approved military aid to Ukraine to pressure officials to launch a baseless investigation into Joe Biden that led to the former president’s first impeachment.

Audio of conversations released in June revealed Giuliani repeatedly suggesting to Ukrainian officials that the nation could have a “better relationship” with the U.S. if the country’s president would open a Biden probe in 2019.

In an interview Friday on NBC New York, Giuliani called the investigation “lawless” — and said everything he did was on behalf of his client, Donald Trump.

“I am more than willing to go to jail if they want to put me in jail. And if they do, they’re going to suffer the consequences in heaven,” he declared.

A New York state appellate court in June said Giuliani would be temporarily barred from practicing law in the state for making “false and misleading statements” about the 2020 election, pending further investigation into his behavior.

“The seriousness of respondent’s uncontroverted misconduct cannot be overstated,” the court said in its 33-page decision. “This country is being torn apart by continued attacks on the legitimacy of the 2020 election.”


LiterateHiker 9 Aug 2

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Rudy: Waddya mean I gotta switch to MD 20-20?!


Thanks for the details. We who are too cheap to subscribe to the various on line publications are especially grateful....and reading about Trump and Giuliani's woes is a real treat.


Just shows us how stupid this idiot is, Trump does not pay for anything, and he has known this for how long?


Typical 45, never pays his bills unless it will further benefit him. When it no longer will, he stops.


Almost broke?! He probably stashed his wealth in some tax haven.


More proof that 45 only cares about himself and everyone is cannon fader.




Rude Rudy!


Trump has an incredible ability to get people to assassinate their own character to serve him.

Unity Level 8 Aug 2, 2021

I don't care, do you?

MizJ Level 8 Aug 2, 2021


Trump has a long history of stiffing people who worked for him: architects, workers, cities that provided security for his rallies, etc.

Serves Rudy right.

@LiterateHiker When will they ever learn? - as Dillon asked.

@LiterateHiker What I don't understand is how with Trump's history his supporters are so loyal.


Exactly. Trump supporters are a cult.


@LiterateHiker Indeed. Do you remember his wife wearing the coat with, "I don't care, do u?" on the back?


Couldn't happen to a more deserving asshole

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