Memes R Us has a plan to fill blow up dolls with helium then let them go outside churches fyi.
Here we go again. It would be nice to get a sign from God about every couple thousand years.
Meanwhile, I keep my money in the bank.
Next will probably more Elvis and Virgin sightings. I forget ALFS and sasquatch.
So, I guess it would be pointless to pay my rent and electric bill, eh? Never going to turn my heater down then until I hear the trumpets. Goodbye cruel world........
For the 20th time in a row they changed the day
This fellow is going to have the opportunity to write a book that says there were a few things that were 'revealed' to him about why he miscalculated. His new date will be featured in the book and make him a boat load of cash. Shouldn't there be a term for end of the world scams? Something like doom scammers...
Poseur Prophets...perhaps.
Wow I better give everything to the lord via the church. Now. duh.