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LINK Cops Pull GUNS On Realtor... For Being Black?!? - YouTube

Anyone want to live in this kind of neighborhood? Do you already?

redbai 8 Aug 7

Enjoy being online again!

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thanks for sharing this. i shared this on all of my social sites. peace and a fist bump


I live in a pretty diverse neighborhood but, that said, I regularly have to take a break from the NextDoor app which covers several miles around me because the bigots infuriate me too much. Things like the police being called by someone for a Hispanic man who lives here walking his dog, or an alert of "Do you know this person?" being put out for a Black school kid with a backpack walking down someone's alley.

I guess as a 73 year old white woman I could have a damned new good career as a burglar? Stupid racists would Never suspect me!

@AnneWimsey Absolutely! There's no limit to the number of enterprises you (or I) could have going on right in their midst.

The dog-walker notice infuriated me: it was posted by his wife, who explained that he had come home from work and walked the dog, and hadn't had his wallet on him, so he was forced to come home accompanied by the police to see it. She was asking her neighbors for tolerance. Why the fuck were the police even asking for his license???

@Lauren throw a few boxes of those cheap candy bars, or Girl Scout cookies in the back of the car, canvas for who's home ( probably nobody), a quick entry through the back door (I own a 6' prybar & several smaller ones capitol investment needed) & Loot!
Know any "fences"?

@AnneWimsey I like that you have a plan at the ready! Sadly, I don't know any fences so we'll have to limit ourselves to cash and drugs.

@Lauren pretty portable stuff, alrighty then! If we like any jewelry, Rock Paper Scissors for it?

@AnneWimsey Oh, it's a deal!

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