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LINK Kishi Bashi - Say Yeah (Official Video) - YouTube

One of my favorite artists and videos.

Sadoi 7 Apr 19

Enjoy being online again!

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@Charlene you know, every time i turn some one on to a new musican or a new peice of music, i feel so satisfied because i So Love to share music and i love it more when someone else can appreciate it as well. 🙂

I get excited to share it when it is accepted warmly especially. Even if it isnt... not everything i post is everyones taste. Understandable. But the gratification from helping to bring a new artist to someone else is just... awesome in my eyes!

Sadoi Level 7 Apr 20, 2018

It is indeed..and thanks for keeping me woke musically..


Mellow for you Gf..nice!

I freaking loooove Kishi bashi. I've posted him a few times in the past too. I love all his music. Rare is the artist I can say that about.

@Sadoi you have turned Me into a believer..

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