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LINK Christian MAGA Cultist: COVID Vaccines “Prevent People from Procreating” | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

They used to be only about anti-LGBT stuff. They are expanding into wacky conspiracy theories.

snytiger6 9 Aug 14

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This is comical because I just saw a YouTube Damage Report of a study which says COVID damages the vascular system and is causing men who survive COVID erectile dysfunction.

I copied the video and put it on my Facebook page.

@snytiger6 - I posted it to mine also which is why I had it handy on my clipboard. If anyone gets vaccinated because of it, it more than served its purpose.


Those morons had nose stuck in the wrong book when they were in school. It's amazing they have a degree in anything.

They get those degrees from Falwell U and such or they wouldn't have one.


This Dick could not get a date in a women's prison or a Nympho convention. Could it be the reason he can't procreate and has started this conspiracy?

Or a prostitute in a whorehouse.


I think if he cuts off his penis he would be right about the procreation. We should make a new law.

We could call it the Dick—less Law.

This law is designed for Dicks just like him. If they procreate we castrate. And they will have a special name too:

Mr Dick—less. no Mask. no Vax. no Brain.


Unfortunately the COVID vaccines do not prevent procreation. In some cases that result would be beneficial.


Just one more reason these geniuses need to get vaccinated!!?! 😎

Vaccinate, or we Eradicate.


They need to start penalizing organizations like this for spreading such life threatening misinformation.

Lock them up.


Sadly, too late for this asshole!

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