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After occasionally responding to posts advocating the Electric Universe cult, the poster blocked me. In the post that did the trick, I wrote that the Electric Universe advocates shared a number of characteristics with Creationists, particularly the disparaging of the real science of astrophysicists.

So, here's a video debunking the Electric Universe. It is SUPERB and includes some significant sociological observations that are all too relevant to our current society.

racocn8 9 Aug 19

Enjoy being online again!

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Ah! This is why I was so confused by the electric universe. I know too much physics and astrophysics! I have run across this idea a few times, but nothing that was being said made any sense (it was like mad libs that someone was presenting seriously).


But I saw a Mr. Fusion work in that movie "Back to The Future"!!!!!!!! Buwahahahaaaaaaa!


I wasn't aware of this theory but it doesn't describe what I'm saying with the Neural Network idea. It is electro-magnetic but gravity will still apply to Universal construction.

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