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LINK Officials: Explosion at Kabul airport appears to be a suicide attack

This is not good at all. Just happened. There are casualties and a second explosion has just been reported.

barjoe 9 Aug 26

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"Error occurred"message only

Are you talking about the video? It's very graphic and got flagged by YouTube.


It was only a matter of time. The Taliban is a loose knit conglomeration of militia, with only self appointed leaders who have limited control over their groups. At some point what little order is in place will disintegrate and casualty rates will escalate. There is a lot of hatred boiling under the calm surface. Some of the Taliban have been fighting this war for 20 years. A peaceful withdrawal is not what they were looking for. Revenge s built into their DNA.


Yeah, a new group of assholes that call themselves the K isis. But for now no one is taking credit. Those middle eastern countries have always been full of hate and violence and it has been that way for centuries.

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