I just read a post that claims to be a foreign nation's strategy to influence American elections. I would have copied and reposted, but the feature would not work and retypong it would take me a bit. The basic idea was when you break areas into districts the number of votes that actually decide the outcome are relatively small. Invest money and effort in influencing elections in THOSE specific areas. Additionally it ends saying something to effect "get the votes in their hands", which seems more like a direct command to get the job done by any means neccessary. The post continued on and began talking about societal discord, but then the post abruptly ended. I questioned the poster on it. The entire content of the post is very concerning whether it is true or false. And youtube makes everything worse with its continued mass censorship. Can't we do BETTER THAN THIS? I am sick of these ppl destroying our democracy, and "the ppl" include anyone who deliberately misrepresnts or obstructs the truth.
Your source?
A random post online. I questioned the poster about HIS original source. The post claimed to be directly translated, I questioned it.