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Darwin wins again


This highlights a very strange phenomenon which seems to be gripping large numbers of people, mostly confined to those socially conservative, right-leaning and fundamentalist in religious beliefs, but not entirely. It’s also not entirely confined to Americans, but once again it seems to be affecting them more than most other countries’ populations.

That phenomenon is a complete mistrust of their own government’s scientific experts, and the questioning of their motives and competence in the current pandemic, especially on the subject of masking and vaccination. That so many people prefer to believe non-experts, either some online blogger, or TV host….or hellfire pastor at their local church...or just about anyone without medical qualifications you could think of, is just so staggering as to be almost unbelievable. What exactly is going on in their brains that makes them believe it’s going to be a better bet to ingest an animal dewormer instead of getting vaccinated by their own doctor? What kind of invidious messaging has got into their brains to make them believe this ? Why is it this demographic of right-leaning, politically conservative types that seems to be most susceptible to this mistrust of vaccination and mistaken belief in alternative cures?

I invite some explanations because I’m at a loss to know.

When you are taught nonsense, such as "the Earth has only been here 6,000 years", it becomes so much easier to believe other nonsense, or to distrust everything.
I saw this when I ended up in the segregated South as a very young adult...the whites, having to deny their neighbors' manifest humanity, were literally Dumb

I have been giving that some thought and one idea I have is that the 'real' world has gotten too complex for many. They have spent a lifetime trying to get by and living from day to day often working low skilled or menial labor jobs. A lot have no real life outside their immediate surroundings and get into a sort of mob mentality and believe whatever those around them believe, church, friends or family. Now our National Inquirer (I forget the British equivalent) and Faux Noise have become the go to media for (dis)information. My two closest friends are in this category and every time I hear of a new one it makes perfect sense. One guy even becomes belligerent when confronted. People who know him have told me they are not surprised at his ignorance and belligerence.

@JackPedigo That’s really sad and I’m sure we have people over here much the same..but they are not so many in number and not so obvious to me.

@Marionville I think it is everywhere. One thing about Europe is that the more "socialistic" governments provide more of a safety net for people. And guns are not the 'norm' as it is here.


Only one cure for the Ivermectin enema of Clorox and Bull Semen😂😂😂


That can't be. BDair swears it's better and safer than the vaccine, and since there are no hospitals overrun with vaccine reactions, this must be false. You guys, he totally did his research, so you can trust him.
P.S. Hopefully Ivermectin OD is fatal.

That guy and his friend is beyond cure . U can’t fix him even if u wanted to 🙄


It takes a blithering idiot to gamble with their own lives in the way that these people are doing.


Would it be rude of me to offer those anti-vaxxers so inclined a free dose (or 3) of Ivermectin so we can further assess it's therapeutic value?

Maybe injecting Clorox is a cure for Ivermectin OD? Only one way to know, and it's not scientific inquiry, it's testing it carelessly on idiots. Let's go!

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