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Recognizing Ivermectin as an effective treatment would have prevented the "emergency use approval" of the MRNA "vaccines", thus reducing the profits of the suppliers.


PBuck0145 7 Sep 9

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This video left out the Surgishpere incident. We never heard more on it. There should have been more investigation on what exactly happened.




The phrase Recognizing Ivermectin as an effective treatment would have prevented the "emergency use approval" of the MRNA "vaccines" makes no sense at all. It is a nonsensical construction intended to confuse dim-witted readers.


I talked to my vet yesterday and mentioned Invermectin as a joke. She said what ever you do do not take it as it will mess with your liver and cause you to go blind. She was not joking.


One of the most stupid statements I have ever seen.

Having talked to a Veterinarian and having been told that it is dangerous, I will put forth that those who are stupid enough to believe anyone not a doctor for their medical health have the right to take as much of this stuff as they want. Each of us has the right to die, suicide is illegal in some states but I have never heard from anyone who has been successful gripe about their rights.


It’s good for scabies, useless for virtual infections.


Exactly! Except ivermectin is not an effective treatment for Covid. But if you have worms and are a horse then ivermectin might be right for you.

The gullibility of the public is wondrous to behold. Keep believing the "official" narrative.

@PBuck0145 Yup... I'm so gullible to believe the CDC, WHO, the vast majority of the world's doctor's and scientists and the overwhelming success of the Covid vaccines worldwide. I'm so gullible for not believing a small fringe group of doctors who want us to take horse dewormer.

Hey, you take all the horse meds you want. In fact, I encourage you to take extra doses just to be on the safe side.


An Ivermectin story.
[], a "Website for Conservatives" and known for disinformation,according to Google.
But you have yourself a nice big preventative dose of Ivermectin now, hear?

@AnneWimsey Oh c'mon. You must be on atleast one medication or have been at some point in time. So you are perfectly okay with being overcharged? I have never met one individual who is okay with these drug prices when faced with indisputable evidence of how rigged the system is. Or maybe you are Leftsplaining it to yourself? It has to be something like that. No American Citizen is okay with overpriced pharmaceticals.

Additionally why are pharmacies trying to control what medications Dr. are prescribing? Since WHEN do pharmacies NOT want to sell drugs? I have never heard of this before. It's apalling.

Whether this video is on youtube or rumble is not the point. Anyone who is familiar with the pharmaceutical industry knows there is a legitimate concern in the US of profit vs sound medical advice. We are too often prescribed medication when more holistic or natural remedies would serve us better.

@Flowerwall I am stunned by how you managed to legitimize Ivermectin by dragging in "overcharging" is available as both a dip & tablets off the shelf at any Feed Store, duuuuh, and it is Soooo not a "holistic or natural" remedy, either,, but throw that in there AS IF it is a facts whydoncha.
Botflies have a right to live & breed too, and look! Handy cattle!

@AnneWimsey The video posted that you answered to with YOUR specific response was about an individual being overcharged at a pharmacy $120 (human dose) vs $6. (1,200 lb horse dose) You then proceed to say you are shocked by me somehow legitimizing Ivermectin. I AM NOT A DOCTOR. But I do listen to other Drs opinions. What do you do? Ivermectin comes in sheep dosages too (although I don't know the cost per weight). Why would me restating what is already stated, the cost differences, shock you?

@Flowerwall so you think a non-lethal dose for humans can be extrapolated from the correct dose for a horse? My d8fferently-sized dogs take Ivermectin chewables monthly to prevent heartworm, and their dose is carefully calculated on weight, with +/- 15 lbs being the cutoff between amounts. But, hey, if it's good for a 1200-1500 lb. Horse, let's just guess you shouid take 1/5 of that? Or mabe 1/8? How about 1/16th?
Becuz clinical trials are free.....
And you Could have used any number of drugs, like Prednisone, that are used in lots of ways for lots of species, with appropriate research,, instead of attempting to legitimize Ivermectin......but, nooooooooo.

@AnneWimsey Your last response started with a false assumption that you proceeded to explain. Letsget back on topic. $6 for a horse dose and $120 for a human dose seems problematic to me. How do you view it?

@AnneWimsey Hasn't this been fun?

Rumble is one of the most successful competitors of YouTube, another ABC subsidiary. Rumble is "known for disinformation, according to Google.". What could possibly be more credible?

I wish you all happiness in the enjoyment of your slavery to the elites in the "New World Order", alongside the rest of your fellow "domesticated human livestock".


@Flowerwall my response started with a Question, complete with beginning interrogative & ending with a question mark, so that there could be no doubt.......except in your "mind" much?
And I explained why a human disease "might" require Expensive clinical trials on, oh, I dunno, humans.......
Again, read much? Understand any of it? Because if the above response demonstrates your level of comprehension, I fully & abjectly apologize, it has never been my way to expect deep thoughts from the handicapped

@AnneWimsey So what if I were handicapped? Maybe I am handicapped? Your lack of manners and humanity is the greatest handicap to informed duscusdion here. Please don't be rude and mock disablity to score some cheap ego points for yourself. We don't need ti express ourselves like exasperated castaways, let's try harder! I will get back to your original point as soon as I am able.

@Flowerwall ummm, after a major brain-stem stroke (from chiropractic manipulation) at the age of 38,, and residuals until this day, I Am handicapped.......but I was referring to a mental inability to read & think that is manifestly Willful on your part.
My questions still remain unanswered, because you prefer misdirection "misdirection" meaning BS)

@AnneWimsey Okay, so because you had a stroke and have some degree of disability you feel justifief in attempting to taunt other with " it has never been my way to expect deep thoughts from the handicapped" TRY AGAIN! This sounds like something a very judgemental person would say. Imagine approaching someone with an intellectual disability like that in public, not online, where others heard you speaking like that you would be called out for that and ppl would be telling you you are in the wrong. But you feel justified. Just stop it.

You askef if this has been fun? That article you postef was for sure. These world leaders certainly do use that term, New World Order, too freely, because what does it even mean? I think it leaves evetyone who is not a world leader wondering.

The point with the questions about the cost of the medicine is to acknowledge there is a profit motive behind a lot of this. I don't see too many othet countries using Ivermectin widescale, but I did read someone in a higher position in Japan's medical system advocated for its use. And hearing Dr. Kory's testimony at Senate hearings was impactful to me.

@Flowerwall after refusing to answer any questions I asked but whining about how I would not engage You, now you wander off into left field using ASSUMPTIONS to try & justify your BS.

And BTW WTF???????? I didn't "post any article"[s], indeed never have, as the 10" tablet I exclusively use does not have that capability on this site. And "taunting others"???? No, just you, because you brought the subject up as you Know you shouldn't have & it came back to bite you big-time. Too bad, so sad......

And YOU made the remark "Hasn't this been fun?" NOT me. So you are either Drunk or Drugged, onbviously have No idea who/where/what you are respnding to.
Bu-bye life is to short to waste on someone like you.

@AnneWimsey I thought those statements were you replying to me, but now I look back and no. It doesn't matter anyway.

I will correct this to read " you feel justifief in attempting to taunt another person with " it has never been my way to expect deep thoughts from the handicapped" So not OTHERS, it's singular.

Yeah, I'm done here too.

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