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I think it's way past the time, that Native American Indians have a national holiday of their own, to celebrate their heritage, their oppression & the contributions they made to the development of the United States.

Blues-Man 6 Sep 12

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Tell that to Rick Santorum. A product of Catholic education, an oxymoron.


More than a holiday, we need major revision/reform to school history curricula to start teaching all American students of some of the knowledge, customs, and wisdom of native cultures to hopefully build genuine respect. These "backward primitives" lived in harmony with the ecosystem for millenia. (We) Europeans have managed to fuck it all up in a few hundred years since our industrial revolution and capitalist mindset, that considers only perpetual growth in consumption to equal success.

@Blues-Man My point exactly. Hence the quotation marks, as in "allegedly" backward and primitive.


Nice idea but also utterly embarrassing if that is the extent of our effort to atone for nearly wiping 7 million people and entire cultures off the face of the planet.

@Blues-Man I agree with a federal recognition, such as with a holiday. AND we need to do much more.


I think we’re moving toward changing Columbus Day to Indigenous People Day.


Because they are an endangered species. & I do not necessarily mean First Nations of the USA tho our governing style was taken from the Great Iroquois Nation.

@Blues-Man just asking.

@Mooolah Beautiful and interesting history!

it's strange how the world immediately remembers one genocide (Hitler's gassing of 6m Jews - mass murder not to be forgotten) which has been given much significance and commemorated each and other year (and rightfully so), including documentaries etc
...but not the other genocides ie Native American genocide and the Congolese genocide in Africa where King Leopold II of Belgium killed and maimed close to 15m Congolese. I was taught about all three in school and its very important children learn TRUE HISTORY in school. How else do we learn from the past and correct the future.

@Blues-Man you're welcome😊
This article explains why the Congo genocide is forgotten - because it's Africa! 😔


@TimeOutForMe The world recognizes the Holocaust as the ultimate by which all other genocides are compared because it was & is the most organized, industrial, focused, economically planned, of all. Not that the world aspires to a competition in this most heinous regard. The 3rd Reich put much of its technology & expertise in organizing the elimination of 12 million people. 6 million were Judaics. 6 million were not. 3 million were Polish Jews. Had Stalin had the wealth of the 3rd Reich I am convince his 25 million would have been unfathomable. Only recently, President Biden recognized the Christian Armenian genocide perpetuated by Turkey. Genocide seem to flourish within countries mired in poverty as Germany was after WW1. Competition is fierce for resources. The urge to blame someone near for their plight triggers a momentum that is difficult to reverse. Following a leader who singles out a group, advocates violence & restrictions, making them "the other" , is a road to ruin as history will attest.
"One death is a tragedy. A million deaths is a statistic." Joseph Stalin


"Not that the world aspires to a competition in this most heinous regard".

I didn't intend to put it across that way. These heinous crimes against humanity can never be viewed as competition where one is worse than the other. They were all mass genocides against a particular race ie Jews in Germany, Native Americans in America and The Congolese in Africa, The Amernians by the Ottoman Empire. There are a few others in Africa including men, women and children killed and "dumped" in mass graves in South Africa (three of the mass graves found) and the deliberate "ethnic cleansing" (as they put it) genocide through tampering of the BCG vaccine administered to black babies, as they were born, in a certain region of South Africa. T

However, and as you say the Holocaust was the most organized, I agree.

@TimeOutForMe I did not mean to imply that you purported "competition". I find often so many ask why the Holocaust is singled out when others experienced genocide as well. I have to explain this difference over & over to others who are less informed than you are. To the uninformed there is no difference & suggests that the Judaics were /are favored in some way. It is/was the methods that were employed, the time & resources dedicated, the planning, the active participation of government, the enormous bureaucracy, the complicity of civilians, the scale. Rwanda, Cambodia, El Salvador, Guatemala. The list imparts revulsion at these occurrences. I support reparations for every country victimized by colonial powers. The rape of their resources, people, culture will never be realized of course, but I am an advocate of reparations anyway. My home town of Evanston, Il is using profits from cannabis sales to fund home improvements for its residents of African descent. I usually do not find informed people on this subject. Marjorie Taylor Green a most recent example of uninformed in our own government. She is a Representative in our Congress. It is rewarding to me that I encountered someone with knowledge parallel to my own on this subject. The one single common thread is that this phenom of genocide is mostly perpetuated by men who generally hold the power to enact such crimes. That genocide is a crime against humanity since 1945 or so, I have yet to see the hammer of justice strike those who deserve it as the world is still patriarchal. Many argue that it is all in the past & people should move on. What does that say to future perpetrators? Yet these same people advocate for the death penalty for murderers of 1 person regardless of how much time has past. Thank you for this conversation. I am happy someone agrees with me, as I agree with you.

"Many argue that it is all in the past & people should move on. What does that say to future perpetrators?"

These words ring a bell. The perpetrators in South Africa "expect" the natives of this country to "just get on with it". They expect these atrocities against humankind on a mass scale to be "wished away".
It has left enormous scarring and psychological damage and for most for many more years to come. These planned atrocities against humanity cannot simply be dismissed or disregarded or shrugged-off as minor everyday mistakes or slip-up.

"I support reparations for every country victimized by colonial powers".

I second that. How do we move forward as a global nation with a conscience if we don't even try to acknowledge the wrongs and/or make an effort to "right them".

Eish that MTG is another story. One would think appointees or nominations for govt level would at least be equipped with some general knowledge or base level intelligence, none of which she possess. We have access to all or most of the international news channels. However she appears on our local news channel when she utters silly and baseless nonsense. They basically air her in disbelief! 🤣

We need true leaders to confront issues "that matter" head-on! To drive that change! voted by the people "for the people!"

Likewise 😊 I thoroughly enjoyed our conversation😉

And because their history was ignored, revised, or eliminated as Stalin eliminated opponents from photos etc. Rick Santorum said "Nothing was here when Columbus landed". A product of Catholic schools & Euro bias. The concept of embracing diversity had not yet evolved to one not focused on gold, a place for criminals or religious freedom, & the exploitation of those folks already residing there. It is the history of humanity to migrate, immigrate & rewrite history. How the Aztec calendar is more accurate than Caesar's. 100,000 people lived in Cahokia near East St. Louis Il. Great mound builders connected with trade routes far to the south in Mexico. There is so much unread history out there for anyone to find totally new worlds.

Their history has been ignored. The Indiana’s killed other tribes, stole other tribe’s land, raped their woman, and either killed the men or made them slaves.

I thought liberals pissed and moaned about societies that did that hundreds of years after it occurred and wished for their destruction.

Given the facts; I’d figured y’all would looking to burn down their reservations.

@CourtJester Well dear CourtJester you thought wrong about us liberals. Reservations are a concentration camp. Not a death camp. A concentration of a certain people in one area via the government. Nope. Men of many races are the ones that seek the extermination of others. So not a woman thing. So lets study their atrocities as well. Study it all. But let us not eliminate it from studied history.

@Mooolah really? A concentration? People have 100% freedom to leave it but not 100% freedom to come in.
And I never said we should eliminate learning. Just stop dwelling on the past.

@CourtJester One learns from the past. History repeats because we don't. Our Euro domination of indigenous people were forcibly concentrated in areas Euros did not want until gold was found. Trail of Tears is one of the most famous of death marches, to concentrate the Cherokee NATION in one place. No freedom to leave until the 1900s as that was the end of the "Indian Wars". Reservations are considered pseudo independant areas where freedom to enter can be restricted., especially during this contagious plague. Remember small pox, TB, pertussis, measles...... killed millions of our native citizens. The entrance must be controlled during times of plague. Get the fricken vax.

@Mooolah dumb



bobwjr Level 10 Sep 12, 2021

Columbus Day has been Indigenous People's Day here in California for several years. Feels right, doesn't it?

@Blues-Man OF COURSE he was an asshole. That's why we changed his holiday to Indigenous People's Day.

@Blues-Man Columbus was an a*hl*. He was trying to get to India to "steal" silks and spices and thought he actually landed in India when he landed in America. He gave the Native Americans that name - Indians! What an idiot. ...and as much as he still wanted to get to India, he just didn't or couldn't 😂

@TimeOutForMe AND...he promptly enslaved the locals. Probably a better business opportunity than silks and spices.

@LucyLoohoo yes true!

@TimeOutForMe HI, YOU!

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