Black Student Refused Care Twice At Canadian Hospital During Mental Health Crisis Is Found Dead In Lake Hours Later, Family Alleges Suicide: ‘They Didn’t Care’
The insanity is that many want to argue that things like this are not caused by racism. This is sort of like the young white man trying to argue that he was not racist for being against Obama. (True story.) He just did not want that black man in the White House.
I heard a very similar story in Portland or Seattle. It was very sad. Parents very greif stricken. There needs to be a better set-up. Crisis mental health counseling. Going to ER isn't neccessarily what a person needs at the moment, but a counselor on call might be. Maybe talking. Really gauging what is going on, reassuring rhe patient. Turning someone away when going through crisis is a wrong approach.
im thinking that about the next 5-10 years in court will clear that up for them?
@bbyrd009 I think the entire structure of crisis mental health needs to change.