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LINK Couple Say Texas Restaurant Wouldn't Let Them Wear Masks |

The owner of Hang Time in Rowlett, Texas, said he feels “the overall reaction with masks is ridiculous in the United States right now”

snytiger6 9 Sep 21

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Just noticed the name of the place again. What, is it decorated with nooses or something? (We're talking about Texas, after all.)


And WhoTF would want to eat at such a germ-infested place???!!!?


A picket protest in front of the restaurant might be interesting. I bet he’s a real peach when the inspectors show up to check the restaurant. Or maybe they don’t do that in Texas either.


Don’t eat there. Life really isn’t that complicated unless you make it so.

@Diagoras standing up and walking out is an option. It’s been done for lesser reasons.


I agree with him, but not for the reasons he would think.

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