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WTF. Army officer who has taken every vaccination mandated by the Army saiid no to the Covid shot because of “freedom”. He resigned after 18 years, two years shy of retirement.


Sierra4 8 Sep 23

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🤣🤣🤣 what a dumbass! 🤣🤣🤣

He won't need that military retirement anyway. He'll make more money as a darling of the trumpists.


I don't think the VA will help with that form of brainwashing. He chose to be brainwashed out of hatred, most likely including racism. Just how much sympathy is merited? Better to be the victim of one's own hate crime than to involve anyone else. But the truth is, taking it out on someone else is probably a matter of time.


Saving me taxpayer-funded pension payments! Thankyu, thankuvurrymuch.


The guy has lost all sense of reason and judgment. He is not to be trusted with command of troops.


For most people, it is hard to stay above of the brainwash of the environment which is the church, friends, family, school and what is just believed and talked about in the neighborhood. A very few breakout and become freethinkers. We all are products of our environment - good or bad outcomes. Many here call themselves freethinkers but celebrate all religious holidays including Christmas, the tree, gift-giving. We see them as ignorant and idiots and they think the same of us.


Without knowing ALL the science, it's impossible to know the perfect decision. So how does the US govt claim to know it? From what I understand they still don't have completed studies on natural remedies! That's not to say vaccine is completely wrong, but forcing it on everyone is not right. Glad to hear true patriot is giving voice to this. It helps to restore trust! This a person who cares more about his duty to the true spirit of our nation than anything else!

That is as stupid as anything I have ever read on this site. I was in the Army and we got vaccinated for everything. You spend a great deal of time in the first two weeks getting all kinds of shots. If he is afraid of this particular vaccine he is a moron and has no business in the military. People like him and you are the reason we can't get on top of this. I will give you time to read this and then I will block you. I always block the stupid.

@Sticks48 “I will give you time to read this and then block you.” 😂😂 OMG that’s the best.

Yes, they pump you full of vaccines when you join the military. They get you in both arms with what I call injection “guns.” My arms hurt the entire length of basic training thanks to those shots. LOL.

And, no, they don’t give us a choice. You join the Army, you belong to Uncle Sam. They want you yo get shots, you get shots. You fight for freedom, but in many ways you give up your own when you enlist.

@Apunzelle Exactly. I remember those guns. I remember a couple of guys flinching and getting sliced open by those guns.

@Apunzelle Ok, we are NOT all in the Army though.

@Flowerwall And that has what to do with anything. Please tell me if you are anti-vax so I will know whether to block you too. I would appreciate it.

@Flowerwall The subject of the article IS in the military. That’s why I made the comment.

@Apunzelle Vaccine mandate ring a bell?

@Flowerwall Oh the horrors.

@Flowerwall: Can you name a part of science that we know ALL about? There is none.

Mentality like yours (If it can be called mentality) is harming everyone. Please don't take the vaccine.

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