say something original and wise.
The main problem you are having is that you are her mother. Relatives, it seems, do not know anything, it takes a person who is not known by a person to give them real information. Thus you cannot get past this and get her to do what is correct. I listen to, watch, and wonder why people will not do something that is free that will save their lives. Lies have to much power and I would think that her friends have too much control over what she has access to. All you can do is what you can do, do not feel bad if it does not work, getting to her, hopefully one of her friends will get the virus and she will see for herself that it is a serious matter that she can do something about. I hope she stays safe and well.
@hankster Of course it does, but most people do not believe something said that is different than what they have already invested in.
Yesterday I texted my daughter to break a weeklong silence. We had argued about her refusal to get the COVID-19 vaccine. I refuse to visit her until she gets the vaccine.
We fought, we struggled, we hurt each other, so what? That’s what love is, I think. It’s all of it. Tears, anger, joy, struggle. Mostly, it’s durable. It lasts. Never once, in all of it, did I stop loving you. Love is what remains.
"I agree with you about love," Claire replied. "I love you, Mom."
Wisdom comes from the knowledge derived from information. If you have none of these ask an expert.
"something original and wise" - well, you did ask me to say it!
The more you know about something, the harder it is to explain it to someone else.