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LINK Police, soldiers bring lethal skill to militia campaigns against US government

I'm only posting this for this one reason. 1) I always am mildly amused, each and every time, things such as this appear before my eyes:

When militia members have a professional background with the military or police, it enhances the ability of these groups to execute sophisticated and successful operations. It also helps them convey a patriotic image that obscures the security threat they present.

The bar in America is so low. 🙄 These groups come up with sophisticated operations.

Yeah. Charlottesville for example. That took some on-fire sophistry. Tiki torches from the dollar store, loud angry white men in khakis. 👈That is main street America's idea of sophistication.


SeaGreenEyez 9 Sep 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Unfortunately true but one or two professionals can direct the thirty plus gravy seals but when they go up against a hundred plus professionals, slaughter

bobwjr Level 10 Sep 27, 2021

It is very funny in a tragic way. Not an uh-huh or amusing type of way. The stupid aren't capable of uh-huh or amusing. Those take a bit of sophistication (for lack of a better word). Don't boo. Go prove me wrong, d$A.


Is it surprising that Cops would join a militia, especially extremist militias?..not in the least..ACARB.

I think a well armed and trained army, to carry out a successful overthrow of The North, was the entire point of The NRA. Lots of people have been enjoying the money and networking the Org has brought along and they had to wait for a Dem govt to get uppity about but that's what The NRA built. I suspect it was hatched by KKK members of the NRA and packaged as "Gun Rights" for sale.

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