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LINK Alabama lawmakers approve controversial plan to use $400 million in COVID-19 relief funds to build 2 new prisons


I'm just gonna say it. This old bitch needs to sit down, STFU, and go straight to Hell.

It's for COVID you stupid rabid Republican. 😣😣😣

SeaGreenEyez 9 Oct 4

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Wel all the hospitals in Alabama are going to go bankrupt and no longer exist.


It monies given to the states by the Federal government, earmarked for specific programs. However States aren't obligated to spend those monies on that's a shame the Feds can't take back those monies..


Unbelievable and nasty


Sheer treacherous misappropriations. Is there no limit yo the sheer corruption of Arizona Republican politicians???????

Ahhh..Alabama..3 states East of Arizona..

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