The users have to get smarter than the gadgets. Great conversation. I'm going to pay more attention to Tristan. He's brilliant.
Canadian Solar is one of the largest solar panel producers in the world, employing almost 14,000 people (including more than 500 researchers and engineers) since its founding in 2001 by Dr. Shawn Qu. With approximately 8.5GW of solar panels manufactured in 2019, the Guelph, Canada-based firm is now positioned as the fifth-largest solar panel producer by volume and is considered one of the'most bankable' manufacturers by BloombergNEF. Site: []
Canadian Solar has a fascinating history. After developing a basic, low-cost solar lighting system for rural regions in China, engineer and physicist Dr. Qu had a vision to help power the globe with solar. When Volkswagen needed solar chargers to keep new cars' batteries charged during lengthy periods of storage in parking lots, he quickly founded a tiny renewables firm and got the contract. This was the beginning of the company's rise to prominence as a major producer of renewable energy equipment. Find out more about the background of the firm and its founder by reading this.
Aw, is poor widdle Mark Suckereminberg having problems with his garbage bag of a site, my heart bleeds for him NOT.
Yeah. His fee-fee's are butthurt. I'll bet his personal algo brings a lot of ads about Prep-H and how to atone for being a thief.
Besides this site I'm not on any òther social media sites, I got off fb over a yr ago and let me tell you it feels great. Don't miss it at all.
If it weren't for a Niece and Nephew, who I only see on Z's Rag, and my travel photos, I would also delete the account. I've unfollowed everyone who shares "news" so that my page is filled with Zen Taoist memes and hidden many ad subjects so it isn't a bad experience for me. Just a rotten business owner.
@rainmanjr I can understand that.
Facebook knows that people think they do harm. They also know that others who need and buy your information would do almost anything to get that information. Right now there is a big move on to create controversy to keep everyone engaged. This simply ads to that information.
Z doesn't have a lot of friends so I look for his Rag to get broken up. He might get indicted for criminal charges for those harmful algo's. If FB does get broken up I think it will be over these revelations and might not affect other tech companies except as it concerns algo responsibility. They save face, walk away for now, and can profit from it.