I imagine you will do what you need to do in order to find your own way through to what your belief/non belief system actually is. It has to be your decision how you work this one out because its your learning not ours - I have never had a god and never had a bible or any other religious books or paraphernalia, so you have to work at it for yourself - There are no rules - you have to decide what is ok for you - if you take advice then it won't be whatever you might figure out for yourself - You're on a journey to find out; so work out for yourself what is O.k. for you -(in this moment) as journeys have a habit of taking you to other places to make other decisions. good luck!
I see no valid guidance offered in a holy book that you can only get from a holy book...unless your in the human trafficking buisness.You can find pricing, and care advice in the Bible for your slaves, and I know of no other publication that offers such unique information.
I carry my Bible everywhere I go. It’s just arranged to counter the arguments that Bible thumpers instantly use to establish their argument. It’s much easier to discount the play on scripture they’re using at the moment.
I find I actually enjoy conversations with Christians a lot more when I have their own play book to speak from.
I personally feel that an atheist trying to discount a Christian without any real knowledge of what the book says is as bad as the Christian using it as evidence to rationalize or justify their own position. If you haven’t read it you have no more idea than they do of its validity.
"Religious books for social guidance"? I'm a bit confused. Ah yes, kill your children if they're rude to you, stone your daughter to death if she's not a virgin when she marries, be damned to hell if your homosexual, wear mixed fibres, eat shellfish, etc. Ah yes, is that the sort of thing?
Are you in a ancient society or a Scientologist?
Nonetheless, you can find wisdom almost anywhere, if your looking for it.
"Do or do not, there is no try"--Yoda
Any and all religions text are just rule books do this or else. The important thing is to do right and remember times change and so do people, the religion text never did.
Yes, but do it carefully. Pay attention to your own morals first and foremost.
Yes, but do it carefully. Pay attention to your own morals first and foremost.
Yeah, when I needed some cash I consulted the bible to see how to sell my sister as a sex slave.
When my mate cheated on his wife I raped her in public to punish him just like the good lord commanded.
The bible is full of moral lessons we can all learn from.
your comments gave me a chuckle
Live your life the way you please. Religious books often offer very good advice and social guidance on how to be a better person.
Nah they don't.
It is OK to do/be anything you want to do/be as long as you do/cause no harm. IMHO
which book did you read>?
@MsDemeanour The good book of common sense.
Is it wise to throw out a book because you don't like its cover?
What about it's contents?
Sure. Whatever works for you. You don't need to have permission.
Or you could chuck all the religious books away and use your brain for moral guidance.