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Religious doctrine is such a malleable thing, you can basically spin anything in whatever direction you want. If someone contests your interpretation you can accuse them of being a blasphemer and unbeliever, dunk them in the river a few times until they confess or prove their guilt by drowning, then dry them off on a nice big pyre in the town square as a message to other troublemakers and rabblerousers. lol

SnowyOwl 8 Oct 14

Enjoy being online again!

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Apparently she didn't know which end of the hammer to use...


Religious doctrine could be changed to Governmental laws and be all the same.

Word Level 8 Oct 14, 2021

Theocracies are quite rare and generally unsuccessful, that's why there have always been churches and states; while they will often overlap there is a division of labour that has held true through the ages. Much like the fabled Hydra, you have to cut off all the heads or they just grow back again but with twice as many.

@SnowyOwl metaphor is not always easy understood. However, this is exactly the lines of the "beast" metaphor with different heads used in biblical text of Revelations. Beast being laws or body of government.


Its all about fake authority. You can spin it anyway you want, and then claim that you have the authority of a holy book, holy man with sacred vision, holy laws, tradition, god, gods, our culture, the spirit of art, national pride, or any other thing which poses as having authority, but has done nothing to justify that authority, by actually providing good reasons.

And as long as, even a few people, are prepared to bow to your borrowed fake authority, you can get away with anything.


This is hilarious.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 14, 2021

Those crazy Christians want to burn you on the stake to protect their gods reputation.

@Jorgg98 You are so right. They would love to kill us Atheists to please their god.

They should better understand that their god's reputation is not very pure or untainted, the exact opposite in fact.

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