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LINK These Randos Know As Much About “Mercury in Retrograde” as Astrologers: Nothing | Hemant Mehta | Friendly Atheist | Patheos

For those who are unaware, for people who believe in astrology, Mercury in retrograde, is a time period of bad luck for everybody. It is often bolstered by confirmation bias.

Anyway, if you follow the link there is a video which tries to explain why things like Facebook going down was because Mercury was in retrograde.

snytiger6 9 Oct 18

Enjoy being online again!

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Aw gee, did Suckerbook go off line, you know I never missed it for a microsecond.


Facebook going down was either a failure somewhere or a hack. Mercury could have stayed in the thermometer for that matter.


I was in a staffroom when someone was reading out horoscopes. A women when asked what sign she was said that she was a good christian woman and did not believe such rubbish. I was asked, I said that I was a leo but I did not believe that a flaming ball of gas thousands of light years away had much to do with what happened in my life. Guess which person got chewed out by the bigoted catholic principal for being rude?


Just another way for gullible people to be conned out of money.
But at least it is less toxic and dangerous than religion.


This a face palm moment. Plain and simple.

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