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Unvaccinated lives matters. Protest against covid mandates and freedom or green passports.

Castlepaloma 8 Oct 24

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Leftist fascism is everywhere. Mostly in the free countries.


Anti-vaxers don't care about their own lives, and they sure don't care about mine. Their disease-ridden lives don't matter to me.

The vaccine is the covid, as it has tripled the speed of covid deaths since it's roll out in January. Robot and zombies still believe Biden saying vaccines are 100% safe and 99% of the unvaccinated are the cause of covid deaths. Vaxxers are not so afraid of dying they because they are programed for that, along with salvery. Vaxxers are more afraid of living with covid or anything,
This is beyond Insanity!!!


since when

Since when what?


A clear example of mob rule.

Better than a monopoly Mafia rule. Always prefer people ruling.

@Castlepaloma Not if it's from a mob.


I guess you will live your life with us against them.
I'm not against anything, just healthy things that I
know for my body and what I love.

There is middle grounds of two extremes.

Authoritarian Police States are what you want. Not this Freedom of Choice stuff.


More people are afraid of cops than they are of criminals.


I really don't care if virus spreaders lose their freedoms. Know who else loses freedom? The people they kill and maim with their selfish irresponsibility.

Deb57 Level 8 Oct 24, 2021

Just a nasty flu and treat it as such, don't turn the world upside down.

@Castlepaloma bullshit. Anyone who still believes that is delusional.

When most of the world is not fully vaccinated. Is most of the world delusional? Covid death toll globally 0.0006. Why not shut down the world down over several other more dangerous and deadly things.?

@Castlepaloma do you understand nothing about how viruses spread and mutate? SARS-CoV-1 has already started doing so, and has more than one variant. We are about to enter year 3 with it. Left unchecked, things can get a whole lot worse than they are, and with the science we have available to us, it's inexcusable that it has gotten as bad as it has. The fact that we have irresponsible idiots threatening the safety of everyone, by clinging to the level of ignorance you're trying to spread here, is what is exacerbating the problem.

I've probably taken more vaccines than anyone from several trips around the world. Not this covid vaccines, don't believe it's even a vaccine.

Being an bio organisms first and growing organic food and medicines and use to be world class in two sports. Gives me a background in Heath and happiness. My natural doctor lives 30 years older than your mainstream doctors. I work with scientists on and off for the pass 35 years.

Have you won more international award than anyone in your field? If not, don't spread negative names.


I look forward to the day when spreading dangerous babykilling misinformation like this is illegal.

I think breaking the constitution and human right laws are illegal.


No they most emphatically Do Not....except as a way to perpetuate infections & deaths!


If they value their lives and freedom so much why don’t they get themselves vaccinated…it’s the best protection for both they can possibly get!

Get vaccinated and trust my life with the government, pharmaceutical and media . No thanks. Don't trust them as far as I can throw them. When saw a 350 pound health organization Minster, not very far.


I protest against anyone who puts their own ego against public health.


I protest against the unvaccinated plague rats.

I like "Plague Rats" A Lot!!!! Stealing it!


Two lab rats were talking.
One said to the other. Are you going to take the vaccine?
Hell no, they are still testing out on humans.

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