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Saw this on Twitter and it shocked me. 27 year old man, a world class athlete, a lot stronger and healthier than 95% percent of the public. Last week he thought he was going to die from Covid. Stay safe out there friends.

barjoe 9 Nov 29

Enjoy being online again!

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Very close contact/sharing of air & fluids during a game......


Was he vaccinated?


I wonder which one he had. I got Moderna, + the booster, and wear a mask everywhere I go, except for band practice on Thursday nights. We're all vaxxed, though.

@Organist1 Players are unmasked on the court and in practice, close contact with other people.

@barjoe yes, but it's the vaccinated part that's alarming. He was really sick.


Remember the entire Navy ship that was filled with young crew in top shape that were struggling with covid? Capt Cozier lost his job asking 45 for help.

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