3 7

Thank goodness we do not have a full cabinet!

Trumpie has not filled many of the postions in his admistration and I say great. Can you imagine how much more damage he might cause if he fills all his postions with people like he has appointed.Let's hope he remains busy with stormy for the rest of the time he serves!

Marine 8 Apr 22

Enjoy being online again!

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3Excellent point! Sort of what he is doing o us, so, poetic justice,


Apparently, it is difficult to find unqualified people who have the ability to destroy the department they will run.

jeffy Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

...into the ground.


Distraction is a good thing isn't it? Waiting for another shoe to drop with Cohen.

Not that I am a pessimist, but up to now, everyone connected to this administration has more shoes than a family of millipedes.

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