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ANOTHER shooting with an AR-15, this time in Tennessee! When will we say, "Enough!'

BookDeath 8 Apr 22

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Hearing on NPR that the kid was mentally ill, reminded me tha tTrump undid an Obama era po9licy that made itharder for mentally ill peopel to get guns, and Trump did it simply because4 it was an Obama era policy withotu regard to consequences. Expect to see more of this kind fo thing as a resutl of htat policy change..


The father should be arrested for giving the guns back to his nutty son.


Ack. I think a lot of people have said enough.I know I have


When will we say "enough!"?

uhhhhhh, August?


He did it with no pants on.


After realizing that I would be a prisoner to my smart home just because i cannot reemember passwords for each device, I turned off the report . That is too scary!


Oh, this is so horrible.


Those making money selling guns are more interested in profit than they are is stopping killings.

I was going to turn on CNN, but I'm going to bed. Excuse my French, but fuck this noise.

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