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Do humorless people KNOW that they are humorless??

That just popped into my head. My experience with those bereft of humor has been that they lack intelligence.
Your take on it?

AmiSue 8 Apr 22

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What? Y’all don’t think I’m just a riot?


Generally they don't realize it.


Some are just socially awkward, sometimes due to Asperger's or something like it. Some were raised by humorless parents. Some are simply clueless. Occasionally I have had a bit of luck develping a bit of a sense of humor in another person, but it was difficult and time-consuming--and that person knew she was clueless and asked me to help.


I guess my take is that humor is subjective but I know I'm hilarious


Humorlessness is hilarious. Though, if dissected, I find that it boils down to a lack of creativity. Effective intelligence, me thinks, is a combination of creativity and the ability to process information.


Ever seen Doc Martin? I've known people like that. Brilliant in their own way, but intollerant of 'tom foolery" of any kind. Likewise, I've known some pretty dim bulbs that were quick to catch on to some forms of humor. I've read that a sense of humor is genetic so??? Takes all kinds.


The Republicas I have met and known have no sense of humor indicating that your premise is correct. Trying to converse intelligently with them is like building something with wet spaghetti.

I once knew a funny Republican, 'til I realized I was laughing at him, not with him.

Just watching a 'roast" of Donald Trump from Comedy Central, 2011. When it was his turn to roast himself he proved conclusively that he has absolutely no sense of humor!


Better than the question of humorlessness, The thing I find most profoundly curious is how some people (myself included) can watch Donald Trump on TV and immediately see what he is, and for others, he is like Svengali or Rasputin! I have known for over 30 years, since the first time I heard of him about his perfidity, dishonesty and egotism, yet he is now pretending to be POTUS in spite of his obvious lack of character or qualifications! Do these people really not see, or are they just as bereft of decency as he?

Probably true for some but I think considering the majority of his votes came from religious white people that's because of their intolerance to the "others". also they think he'll bring on the rapture. one of the many reasons why religion is dangerous



Do impressionistic people KNOW that they have a major lack intelligence?

The bottom line is, if someone does not appreciate the humor in something, it's because they are already doing or thinking something else, and that is in motion. You can't expect two different things to be done by somebody in the same place and time.

Now, let's talk about the exchange of speech, and social interactions. Social interactions are largely governed by respecting the barrier between playing, and violence, and the quality of those interactions largely depend on self-care; one should never expect a person who absolutely neglects themselves to function properly in a social context. It just does not happen.

That being said, if someone's behavior is not striking you properly, your own vulnerability of mind is symptomatic of not just something they are doing, but something you either should have done, or are doing.

I don't know where you are drawing your heuristic, but it's crude.


No, I'm sorry, humor does not conflate with non-humor, and I don't intend on wasting the value of a joke on someone who acts like a cockroach.

Anyway, try to not attack things you don't like. You may assume that other people have the responsibility of looking after your state of mind, but everyone likely already has a job(s), children, friends, etc. of their own.

This notion of "other people should observe my preferences" is not only fantasy, but it is simply stupid for its lack of knowledge.

Thanks for the new word. (at least, for me).


I would have to agree. My experience has proven that those who can't laugh tend to be closer to living in a cave and have much baser tendencies. I joke around a lot and can tell whether you are an asshat or not pretty quickly. 🙂


I think, generally, yes.


I think that, at one level, they suspect that they are humourless, but apparently don't seem to mind.

My problem - if it's a problem - is that a pepper my conversation with references and observations. Which, I have found, many people pick up on. The dour ones, I can do without.


I don't think they do. I don't think they're aware that they're obnoxious either.


I think for a lot of them, their funnybone quit growing with the Three Stooges and Jerry Lewis. Those are the same people who go to professional wrestling and think it's real. Just a theory.


Why no in fact I have great sense of humor

Phin Level 6 Apr 22, 2018

no, I was sectioned and one of the very intelligent doctors didn't like jokes at all. I did find it strange.

Hey there, We were just talking about this awkward aspergers, huh? Coincidence...?

hey Emma yes we were


A humorless person is one in which no one is manning the boiler. They become a passionless bag of meat with no apparent purpose other than getting the bed made or the books balanced. It is doubtful that they have any sense of being humorless and being humorless means that they have lost the ability to play and to them anyone who plays is wasting precious time that could be applied to balancing the books. Okay, so I might be being a little extreme here, but I don't think they have the slightest clue of their condition. As for intelligence, I don't think that's a factor one way or another. I've known some highly intelligent but dreadfully boring and humorless people.


Typically not


What joke did Jesus ever make? Or Muhammad? Or Moses? Or Torquemada?! Draw your own conclusions about these death-obsessed sourpusses !


Are we discussing humor or prat falls and jokes?


Do stupid people know they are stupid?


Humorless or just a different sense of Humor? I'm super awkward socially and and have certainly been described as humorless. I do find things funny though and am inteligent. And yes I am extremely aware. Sometimes I find frivolous people who would rather take everything lightly and laugh it all off rather than really care and think deaply to be unintelligent although I keep it to myself because I am not a mean person. I guess it takes all types doesn't it.

MsAl Level 8 Apr 23, 2018

No, they think others are frivolous or too happy, in my experience

@AmiSue it sure might. But if the job can be divorced from their views and you love the opportunity it gives you, you might want to try for it....good luck!


I was clueless myself for a long time...

means I used to think I was funny but later learned I was insufferable.

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