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Is gender equality an issue for atheists?

We accept that major religions have been used to supress women. Do we as humanists have an obligation to stand up for gender equality?

MichaelFilson 4 Apr 22

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As human beings I think we have an obligation to stand for equality be it gender, racial, age, sex or any of the myraid other equality issues out there.


We have an obligation to stand up for equality any time it is necessary, any time there is inequality.


SMH sexism is plentiful here unfortunately. Read several butthurt posts about how unfair the #metoo movement has been. Really? How long do you think it's been unfair for women?

@SallyMc lol
Hey misogynists! We're talking to you!

Love you for saying it, thank you❣


I believe that any moral and ethical person has a duty to stand up for any oppressed group, to the extent that they are able. It really doesn't have much to do with atheism though, except that, as you said, we've broken from the religious dogma already.

9're OK?
There are definitely some ghostworthy guys on here!?
Like, really crude, crass & generally #PervyTroll(ish).
Revolting behavior to say the least

Emme Level 7 Apr 22, 2018

Refer to the portion that says majority


As atheists, no. As humans, yes.


It should be for everyone.


"Do we as humanists have an obligation to stand up for gender equality?"


@iamjc and you're telling me this in particular because...?

@iamjc you literally just decided I must do the same and bash my comment of "yes?"

Way to jump to assumptions.


A non-belief in god doesnt preclude any kind of political ideologies whatsoever.
I am a humanist, and because im a humanist I believe in equitable treatment for everyone, but thats what humanism means, atheism and humanism are not the same thing.

@iamjc I disagree. I think that most atheists are humanists. Atheism is very often if not always tied to a conviction that science and reason are the only guides to separate truth from error. And they also believe that purpose of searching for the truth is to promote human well-being and happiness. These are the pillars of humanism.

Perhaps, but there are plenty of well-known atheists who are very socially active. At the top of the list I would place Noam Choamsky. Chomsky would be at the top of any list of contemporary influential intellectuals.

@iamjc Touché. ? I concede that I fall far short of the glory of Chomsky.


If they are moral people, yes.


As agnostics that’s just another question for the books. But I believe most of us would be in unanimous decision that gender equality is important to continue to fight for. I’ve personally always battled for it.
The real debate is that is it. At least in America. time to take a look at how men are treated In the court systems(dealing with dcf and even just being brought in for the same charges) so that it can be as progressive as the rest of America’s fight for equality and we can stop being crucified just for being a male the moment anything happens.

Yeah, kinda agree with you on that

i Really hope to most this isn’t just another outcry of male dominance. I’ve fought for feminism and believed in most of the ideals of it. I just saw first hand. And it is terrifying how quickly we are burned compared to women in the court system. How a mother can have overwhelming evidence of her trying to kill our child. Proof of me doing everything I could as a father to save her and being crucified every step of he way where she gets to walk free. And in the end. I get an apology and “ there’s nothing we can do now” and they still let her walk away with a slap on the wrist. They gave me 50000 dollar bond. Her a 5 thousand.
I lost my family. My home to her an her boyfriend. My credit because she didn’t pay on it and let it go in foreclosure. I had my first va check for disability stolen by her and spent with nothing anyone could do. I had my own gun held to my head because I wouldn’t sleep with her. I filed for a restraining order 3 times with 12 pages of evidence and they denied me until she tried to back and the judge laughed at me when I was still begging her to let me get it and my ex is saying there’s no need for it.
Even in the end they sold my children to the highest bidder for 2 blonde blue eyed kids.
I did everything an innocent patriotic 21 year old perfect citizen who’s fought in the name of agnosticism and equality for all was asked never laid my hands on a single purpose except in self defense( never a woman not even when she stabbed me)
But I’m a male US marine who knows nothing but violence. Sorry bud. I know you rushed the most inportanr thing to ever come into your life to the hospital. You cried yourself to sleep for 2 years while she’s had 5 boyfriends and a jolly life.
Welcome to the court system.

i Really hope to most this isn’t just another outcry of male dominance. I’ve fought for feminism and believed in most of the ideals of it. I just saw first hand. And it is terrifying how quickly we are burned compared to women in the court system. How a mother can have overwhelming evidence of her trying to kill our child. Proof of me doing everything I could as a father to save her and being crucified every step of he way where she gets to walk free. And in the end. I get an apology and “ there’s nothing we can do now” and they still let her walk away with a slap on the wrist. They gave me 50000 dollar bond. Her a 5 thousand.
I lost my family. My home to her an her boyfriend. My credit because she didn’t pay on it and let it go in foreclosure. I had my first va check for disability stolen by her and spent with nothing anyone could do. I had my own gun held to my head because I wouldn’t sleep with her. I filed for a restraining order 3 times with 12 pages of evidence and they denied me until she tried to back and the judge laughed at me when I was still begging her to let me get it and my ex is saying there’s no need for it.
Even in the end they sold my children to the highest bidder for 2 blonde blue eyed kids.
I did everything an innocent patriotic 21 year old perfect citizen who’s fought in the name of agnosticism and equality for all was asked never laid my hands on a single purpose except in self defense( never a woman not even when she stabbed me)
But I’m a male US marine who knows nothing but violence. Sorry bud. I know you rushed the most inportanr thing to ever come into your life to the hospital. You cried yourself to sleep for 2 years while she’s had 5 boyfriends and a jolly life.
Welcome to the court system.

Dang sweets, sorry it all went south. Chin up. Pm me if you want, we'll talk?


Absolutely. Look how much all forms of religion punish women for 1) bringing the snake into the Garden of Eden. 2) Tempting Adam to take the forbidden fruit. 3) Making women dirty for having periods. 4) Being OK with young girls forced to marry old men. And so on. Too many to list. If we are going to toss out the bullshit stories, let's toss out the oppression of women.

Nicely said. How about when men take issue when a woman stands up to defend herself to bring to light abusive behaviors in general as well. If a man can have a voice, can women not also?

@Emme Anyone who has a grievance should be able to express it.

Love this. But you seemed to have overlooked Pandora... The greater part of beauty cannot be seen by the eyes alone. Where were you 40 years ago? 😉


Equality? What does that mean? That I open the door for my gf one week and that the next week she opens it for me? The whole debate of this issue nowadays is framed as a conflict between people who promote equality of outcomes and people who promote equality of opportunity. Both are buzzwords loaded with content. Since this is a subject of heated discussion in the public arena, I think it can be a subject that the members of this group should be welcome to discuss. Furthermore, I don’t think that there is a mandatory “agnostic” or “atheist” position concerning gender equality. We must keep an open mind if we want to learn something.


I had hoped for someone to posit that Atheists reject stereotypical traditions and support scientificly based conclusions. Women are equal to men although different.We as rational humans should support the equal treatment of everyone irrespective of their gender, race, nationality, or sexual identity. In a post-theistic world all humans should have equal access to all the benefits of equal treatment. We are one race-the human race, and our survival as a species requires that we cease bias and prejudice and accept one another as our brethren.


The only consistency between all atheists is the lack of belief in gods and I've met asshole atheists and asshole theists alike. But gender equality IS an issue for all people who want to live in a better world!


Yes it's important because atheism is about humanity, not gender


I've met sexist atheists

I've met sexy atheists 😛

Ya, no. That's not cool & I'm calling you on it. There are women on this site who are having to deal with sexual threats right now. It's not funny.

@Emme No. What's "not cool" is whining about nothing; even if this is unfortunately the norm these days. What I said is neither sexist nor is it insulting, demeaning or derogatory - least of all is it "harassment".
Despite, it's actually the truth.
If you cannot say somebody is sexy anymore then something is wrong with society - not the other way around. As for: "Misogynistic ideas and sexist mindset"? I might actually be referring to another MAN - the statement is ambiguous in that aspect. The real harassment here is being undertaken against me by implying I'm sexist, harass people or lack intelligence.
Maybe let's all just learn to put things into a proper perspective again. This convenient and self-righteous victim attitude is just silly.

Ladies, take note.
6 months ago, it wasn't convenient for me to get sexually assaulted at gunpoint.
I don't find it convenient or self-righteous to have a "silly"victim attitude about it.

Please explain to me how my statement "I've met sexy atheists" expresses a"misogynistic ideas and sexist mindsets". Pay attention to my previous reply before doing so.
Assuming you can't I'd advise you to please pay more attention to detail when reading and maybe refrain from accusing others from being sexist or lacking intelligence.
The real sexist here is actually you.

@AndyL honestly this was just all so unnecessary. There is nothing threatening or harassing about what Andy said. At all. Whatsoever.

Honestly I didn't even want to respond to any of it because no matter what I say I'll be in the wrong. This is one of those unwinnable arguments and I just don't feel like it.

The argument placed was one of blatant malice, accuse, and an intention not to be reasoned. There is no argument of logic or reasoning to change the mind of that person so it's pointless to get involved.


@AndyL, @Emme you are letting a trauma cause you to take EVERYTHING as a perceived threat, when there is absolutely nothing threatening in the statement or even sexually harassing. Towards anyone.

And don't pull the victim card with me, because I've survived a lot of abuse and rape. I know what you're doing. You are projecting your experience into others by viewing what they say as a threat. It's not healthy to think every thing that has the word sex is a form of sexual harassment. You are stronger than that to let your trauma make you so hateful and suspicious.

That said I hope you find emotional help for the trauma you went through, and find a way to not let it distort you anymore. You are stronger than your trauma.

@LadyAlyxandrea This isn't about "winning" nor is this even an argument per se. I also didn't perceive any of this as a "threat" and I would suggest you don't interpret my actions or draw conclusions as to my motivations or character - this also applies to what I may or may not "project". You don't know me. I'm neither hateful nor suspicious. I simply won't be belittled or insulted without responding. Where the true issue lies I've already pointed out.

@Donotbelieve Your comment says much more about you than it says about me.

@AndyL i was defending you talking to emme, you dolt. Why would anything i said make sense towards you? That's why it's a winless argument. Neither of you actually listen

@LadyAlyxandrea No, I got that. But I was referring to this:
"@AndyL, @Emme you are letting a trauma cause you to take EVERYTHING as a perceived threat, "
If you put my name there it's a fair assumption you address and mean me - how ever misguide that may seem.
And again, I'd ask you to refrain from making any assumption about me. I do listen. I don't interrupt people. I pay close attention to detail when I read, write, listen or speak.
I'd suggest you investigate the possibility that it might be your communication that is flawed.

@AndyL your name was in it BECAUSE I WAS DEFENDING YOU

But I'm done defending you now. You're on your own.

A serious conversation about gender equality is an inappropriate place to make a sexist comment. 'Memes' would be an appropriate place for that.

@LadyAlyxandrea , put this in your mental rolodex. " Waiting for your turn to talk is not listening".
When you find yourself in a debate with someone guilty of "waiting", drop it and walk off. Don't waste your time.

@ForTheBirds well it was dropped for ALMOST an entire year.


I am an A-theist and I can only speak for myself and the answer is absolutely not. Your mileage may vary as an A-theist because the only thing that A-theist have in common is the non-belief in god(s). Apart from that it is everyman for himself.

What is, milage, in the context of your comment, all my dict says it's a way to spell mileage. Curious minds want to know.

@buzz13 It is a disclaimer expression used primarily by the auto industry in listing gas mileage statistics. Just an expression I use to imply that you may see things different than I do. Thank you and I corrected the misspelling.

@jlynn37 I figured that's what you meant, but then we here are world wide so I thought this was new idiom I didn't know. Thanks for the clarfication


If you throw out the " God's Will " instructions written by men, roll this around in your head. The first being had to be female, if you define female as able to give birth and reproduce. Males can't do that, so men alone are a genetic dead end. A Native American friend told me that women invented men so she could share genetic information with her sisters. Bad idea. They seem to be mostly good for fucking and fighting. Look at HisStory.

@McVinegar Wow ! You mean young men are sold to old men for reproductive reasons


Of course. We live in a patriarchal society. Why would atheist be any different?

The future is female. Men are no longer necessary for reproduction. You will not be " the boss" much longer.

@ForTheBirds having two sexes is still a good idea from a genetic variation point of view. But if I could wave a magic wand and make both sexes exactly the same size and muscle bulk, to remove the in-built physical advantage of masculinity, I would.


I think about it less as gender equality and more as human equality. For me, this is an issue of empathy. Would I want to be treated differently because of my genitals? No, of course not. So I shouldn't want to treat others that way either.


I don't think we have an obligation, but I do think it's the right thing to do. I don't live by some standard someone made up. I don't feel my moral compass exceeds some arbitrary one. I chose not to be an A-hole, so I stand up against anyone being treated as less than.


Separate issues.


I just wanted to say how refreshing it is to see an online discussion with memes or name calling,this is nothing like facebook.this site is restoring my faith in humanity.thank you all.


I think its rather disgusting to find the pay gap for T.V. presenters is so great in favour of men. I don't need anyone to open a door for me I am more than capable thank you. I was a plasterer in a former life and got dogs abuse from men on site who thought that I shouldnt even be there.

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