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Do you like food after it’s been put in the microwave from being in the refrigerator?

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Yes. Yummy!


Yes, then I put the left overs back in the frigde.


No I don't care to use a microwave for any of my food in fact there is not one in my house


I am a single male, of course l do.


Reheated via the microwave is never as tasty as when the food ws originally cooked.




That is a common way I cook. Being single I have to take some shortcuts to cooking. I seldom make processed foods and cook from scratch but there are so many hours in the day and I have too many other things calling my name.

Many people, including a friend think microwaves irradiate foods. This is wrong. Microwaves are radio waves in the same spectrum as radar. I have a degree in applied electronics and know they only make water molecules vibrate which creates heat.


Mmm.... sometimes... not fried food.


No, I prefer my leftovers cold, especially pizza!


I enjoy eating and my favorite food is groceries. How it is prepared is optional.


The microwave, like every other kind of tool, requires attention to detail. Used wrong, crousants become jerky.


I mean it depends on what kind of food it is. Shitty food will be shitty food regardless if its been cooled then nuked.


Not particularly. It really depends on what it is.


Depends on the food, leftover rice works great, add a touch of water and cover with a wet paper towel and it’s better than the first run. If you actually learn what foods work and what doesn’t it’s a useful tool... I’d rather eat pizza cold.


I have two microwaves in my kitchen. I microwave almost everything I eat.


It depends on the food. Like pizza I prefer from a toaster oven and things like french fries or maduros don't do well being reheated in the microwave.


As a person recovering from ankle surgery, I have no choice but to live off frozen meals heated in a microwave. This is very frustrating for me because I not only like cooking, but I am told I am a good cook, but I am on the mend so not too far away from a home cooked meal.

RonB Level 5 Apr 23, 2018

I'll do it for quick eats if I'm in a rush, but I'm really not a fan of using the microwave beyond popcorn.To me,it does weird things to food.... makes pizza dough tough, ruins the flavor of meat, etc.


I can and have eaten reheated french fries, so everything else is fair game. Granted most of the time it's only used to reheat leftovers. I don't get any foods that are -supposed- to be microwaved.


I don't even own a nuker-wave

I'm not a snob who refuses to eat microwaved food but I think things just taste better when cooked on stove top or oven

nuker-wave love it.


Nuke ovens scare me. I've heard lots of eerie stories and I ever refrain when I see them in Restaurants or Fast Foods.

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