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My gay house guest went back to California Wednesday and today he sent me flowers. Despite the fact that he's gay I still feel a little awkward getting flowers from someone that paid me money to rent a room. He was very pleasant and so attentive he sent me flowers in my favorite color.

Lorajay 9 Jan 6

Enjoy being online again!

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It is customary to pay it forward. Flowers is a wonderful gesture that is merely an extra thank you. The gift giver is rewarded as well by giving. No strings attached. Just a nice gesture on his part. I give something to housekeeping at hotel's even tho she is paid. It is a kindness. Why I admire gay men. Cultured & thoughtful.


How kind,,,,,Enjoy them!!


Why should you feel awkward? He obviously had a nice time, appreciated your care as his host, and will probably book again. And flowers are more personal than a tip. You have no reason to feel anything but proud.


Payment is for services rendered, a gift is a sign of appreciation and friendship.


Think of the flowers as a tip.

TIPS are taxed by the IRS. Gifts are not. I. know I am being picky

@Mooolah But thoughts are not taxed - yet!


Very considerate


Those are beautiful! How nice that he felt like showing his gratitude for your hospitality. I suppose many don't. Maybe he felt it is customary to tip housekeepers and staff places, so thought it would be less awkward to leave/send a gift for you as his host. Very sweet indeed!

I think that would be it. Its a very silly unspoken rule that you tip people of lower status, but give gifts to your social equals. I would probably do that and respect the rule, but still think to myself, what a really funny world.


Well, I restocked the kitchen at our b&b last fall before we left, but we never actually met the owner so flowers would've been a bit much.


You shouldn't feel funny about this. He is paying you a great compliment.


What a gorgeous bouquet!

I think it's no different than when a client would send me flowers for a project well done. He obviously recognizes quality, professional hospitality work, and wanted to convey his appreciation. It's wonderful that you two hit it off so well.


My bnb house guest went back to California Wednesday and today sent me flowers. I still feel a little awkward getting flowers from someone that paid me money to rent a room.

They were very pleasant and so attentive that the flowers are in my favorite color.


I believe that you are worthy of this individual act of gratitude. In my humble opinion, you should accept this gesture and recognize the fact that your hospitality and generosity of spirit likely resulted in this act of reciprocation. Peace.


Really very nice. Honorable and ennobling. Enjoy!


What a nice fellow! No one buys me flowers......


What a gorgeous arrangement!

Deb57 Level 8 Jan 6, 2022

Hey, wait a minute. My flowers from the front garden are missing! They looked just like those!

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