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LINK Trucker resentenced to 10 years after Colo. Governor steps in

Best news in far too long. This judge has discretion, did not use it, and is now butt hurt. Everyone has their own opinion, but for an ACCIDENT, even ten years is too long, albeit, a far cry from 110 years.

The Memphis Three, for example, known to be innocent, did decades in prison, one on death row, yet they had to plead guilty with time served to be released, even though prosecutors knew they were innocent. Last week prosecutors admitted DNA absolved all three of the crimes, yet they will not expunge the records.

Justice has turned into a raffle. Which side gets the most wins, wins. Prosecutors rarely (never) ever say, "we got it wrong."

This Judge was going to reduce the 110 year sentence. But it was going to be 20 to 30 years. FFS!!! It was an accident. Go after the Houston multimillion dollar company that sent him in a rig that was known to have faulty breaks, to Colorado, at 23 years old with little experience. They're culpable. (Amd let's not overlook, the initial accident caused the chain reaction thereafter. This kid was a victim of circumstance that happened after the negligence of others.)



SeaGreenEyez 9 Jan 9

Enjoy being online again!

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Mederos's truck driving was so reckless that other people on the freeway started filming him 3.5 miles before he eventually crashed. This video shows what the other drivers on the freeway recorded:

The comments of other truckers under the video are interesting. The general point they made is this guy had no business driving that truck with that load on the road.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 10, 2022

If you have money you can get away with almost anything.


The charges should have never been brought against him.


Looks like there were mandatory minimum sentencing laws involved too. Good grief.

@SeaGreenEyez I thought he was pissed because the gov stepped in prematurely. I was wondering how much the mandatorys had hindered the judge in the first place.


Governor Polis may become our 1st married gay president. He is terrific.


You know just for one glorious moment their I thought that headline read:
"Tucker sentenced to 10 years"

Ah wishful thinking


They did not mention this fact in the article, and it's very important.

He was driving 85 mph in a 45 mph speed zone.

BD66 Level 8 Jan 9, 2022

And knew all the truck's mechanical problems.


He passed at least two runaway truck ramps, which he didn't take. His lawyer, Jim Golgan, said he was too overwhelmed to see the ramps. Aguilera-Mederos ran into a line of traffic and caused a flaming crash with 28 vehicles, closing the interstate for a day.

@SeaGreenEyez There is a minimal level of competence you expect from someone driving a truck that large on our freeways. I've watched videos of him driving recklessly on upward grades (so he was likely lying about his brakes). He missed two turnouts. He had two opportunities to avoid what happened. If he drove a truck that he knew had mechanical problems, as a certified truck driver, he is responsible for the consequences.

@SeaGreenEyez I will respond in-line:

Cutting to the chase your of the opinion 110, years is an appriate sentence. OK. Just own it.

BD: I believe somewhere between 10 years and 30 years is appropriate. Whatever you should receive for being convicted of 4 counts of negligent manslaughter. He should never ever be allowed to drive a truck again.

Have you EVER been in an accident?

BD: Yes, equipment failure. I was pulling a 1500 gallon wagon down a hill with a pickup truck when the tongue of the wagon broke.

Was it negligence or with intent?

BD: Neither. it was equipment failure.

Did you INTEND to have an accident? Legally speaking, that's impossible. You can't intend to have an accident.

BD: He was driving so recklessly prior to his "Accident" that other motorists were filming him.

He could have blown passed 74 turn outs. That's not a crime. I've lived in Colorado. It's not a crime to NOT use a turnout (or rather, a turn up.)

BD: He is trained and licensed to drive a large truck. He was driving the truck recklessly prior to the "accident", he did not take appropriate precautions to be sure his truck was operating properly. He did not use his engine to slow himself down in the event that his brakes failed. He did not take the opportunity to turn out if his breaks failed. The combination of his reckless driving and his failure to exercise the options he had to avoid a collision should result in a criminal conviction of negligent manslaughter.

He couldn't forsee, foretell or predict the future. A lapse in judgement isn't a crime. It might be negligence, that wasn't determined in this particular case.

BD: If you engage in reckless behavior of any kind that puts the lives of other people in danger, and that reckless behavior results in the death of other people, that is the crime of manslaughter.

He's not responsible for the deaths of those already in the midst of an accident. But let's say he is. So is the ORIGINAL card, trucks and people that caused the initial crash. Where are the charges for those 8 people? Legally, they are more culpable than this kid. They caused the subsequent pileup and pile on.

It matters not. He's now got ten years, minus time served and is eligible for good time. And good on the Government for righting a disgusting wrong.

(There are lifelong over the road truckers that would tell you you're beyond wrong. That speaks volumes.)

BD: I found the video of his reckless driving on a trucking web site.

If you happen to be in an accident, post the details here. I'll bet you have an entirely different view.


My guess is if he were white, we would have seen an entirely different trial!?
But you hit the nail on the head with the FACT that the company sent a young inexperienced driver out in a shit truck. How is it there has been ZERO mention of this company and the condition of their trucks throughout this story!?!🤔


America has been choking on its own legal system for decades and it is only getting worse.

@TheMiddleWay but he has never spent a day in jail. And he has been a con man and a grifter his entire life.


You are so right. Our justice system is a legal contest, and rarely about justice. It is about winning and losing, and sometimes money. One of the worst systems on the planet. If the law was set up properly, when a person is wrongly prosecuted and it is proven the prosecution knew this, then the prosecutor should have to spend the same amount of time in jail as the person or persons.falsely accused has. Also the city, county, state, depending on the courts jurisdiction, should have to pay that person or persons, an ungodly huge fine. I believe this would curtail most these crooked prosecutors.


Judge Bruce Jones is a piece of shit and a moron. The governor has the authority to reduce the sentence.


When it comes to justice those who are poor and uneducated usually get the short straw in the lottery of justice.

No usually about it. There is zero equity in our justice system......👀

Thousands of non violent men of color sitting in jail because they can't make bail for cannabis possession. Democracy is ponderous & fragile. We are in the midst of a crisis. Too many epidemics to list.

@Buck When any system based on a zero-sum (winning and losing ) outcome equity is the first casualty

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