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BD66 8 Jan 9

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Two plus two equals twenty-two?
Oooookey dokey!


And this proves what, exactly? That nasty uncaring fools like you are refusing to show one iota of care & compassion by getting vaxx'd, maybe....nothing else at all!

Trump did everything he could to accelerate getting vaccines out to people.

I was vaccinated as soon as I was eligible.

I was boosted as soon as I was eligible.

It proves the hypocrisy of the left in the USA. They held the Trump Administration to impossibly high standards for protecting US residents from Covid.

When the leftists politicians have two years advance notice, and they do an even poorer job, nobody holds them accountable.


Only the Democrats say they are good and they are great. Nobody else is saying. Not even other countries. We are lost in false pride, Republicans will kick our ass in 2022 and 2024 fair and square and we still will be singing praise of our weakling, sissy, incompetent heroes.


Its the unvaccinated that are responsible for the uptick in cases.... By refusing to get vaccinated they become walking petri dishes and allow the virus to mutate and further infect those around them......

The virus going around today mutated in South Africa around Thanksgiving.

Trump, the CDC, the NIH, and the DHS failed to properly protect us by quarantining incoming flights early in 2020.

Biden, the CDC, the NIH, and the DHS failed to properly protect us by quarantining incoming flights after Omicron popped up.

Complete incompetence in both cases.

@bd66 again, the unvaccinated allowed it to mutate... In this country its the idiots that refuse vaccination .. In south africa its those that are unable to get vaccinated

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