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LINK Conservative pundit Ann Coulter says Trump 'is done'

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend". It's ANNIE!

Mooolah 8 Jan 18

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The block to the rational part of the brain that induces her conservatism, is also apparently responsible for her inability to see the reality of Trump and Trumpism, and his achievement of finally allowing the Republican Party to throw away any pretense in 'democracy' and embrace full on authoritarianism. I have watched her on Bill Maher's program. She thinks she's pretty cute, but she's not that sharp from what I saw.


Coulter will never be my friend. She's despicable & can't be trusted.


We have a long time to go and anything could happen. The guy could (hopefully) choke on one of his cheeseburgers and put everyone out of their misery.


I hope she's right, I think she's utterly wrong. Trump is the savior to tens of millions of Americans, this transcends politics.

No Trump is, against all evidence to the contrary, is believed by tens of millions to be their saviour.
However, Tens of millions also think a zombie Jewish carpenter fed 5000 scroungers on fish in bread crumbs too, and he didn't even exist.
People will believe anything that gives them a modicum of false hope.

@LenHazell53 Yes, but Jesus isn't around to cause trouble. Trump is. First time a massive personality cult has arisen in the US, scary times.

@Druvius True, however the followers of Jesus still do a good enough job fucking things up

Remember the only real difference between a cult and a religion is that the charismatic individual who founded the movement, in a religion is dead.
We can only hope Trump lives long enough to disgrace himself EVEN in the eyes of his most ardent devotees


Who is her audience anymore? Is she still showing up on Bill Maher?

Coulter is like a bad small, you're never quite sure were she is coming from, but she never quite goes away, and now and then assails you with a nasty unexpected whiff.


I wonder what her angle is.


What ever it is, you can wager safely it will be obtuse
and will never be acute one

@LenHazell53 Never a right one either.


You can have my share of her. I’m not going to finish it.

skado Level 9 Jan 18, 2022
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