The population of Humanity is growing exponentially despite the fact most reasonable, intelligent people are having less children than ever before. Are we abandoning the earth to religious people and idiots? What can we do about it really? Obviously genocide is bad ?
And...who's pushing all these babies? RELGIOUS FANATICS, that's who! Fills the collection plates and expands the numbers of faithful. I was amazed when the Chinese established their ''one child'' policy and wish the rest of the world would adopt it, too.
We need to remember that many cultures regard multiple children as the sign of ''a REAL MAN." Uh, huh!
Really interesting, thanks for sharing. Perhaps I was being too pessimistic
I think I read that the "turning point" will be when the population gets to about 10 billion by 2050 or something like that. After that, it's almost certain "doom" for us.
If what I see in the news is correct our over population is taking care of itself. Things are much worse in the last 2 years. Rather than government going all fascist and white supremacist, they could make new rules that a couple can only have one and a half children.
Some time back cows were a danger because of all the methane. The solution was to kill more cows. Today it looks like this idea is being applied to people.
for the rest of the world that's not a bad idea. If we got rid of 1,5 deaths would allow for some growth
Didn't work in China or Singapore ( .