I must confess that I stole this from Bill Maher but it fits the situation in my area. How about all those people driving their car and wearing a mask. They must think they are going to catch Covid19 from their radio or something.
I find myself forgetting it is on in the colder months. Especially if I am focused on the next errand, perhaps only minutes away. On a hot day, it goes!
Plus, I wear glasses & usually earrings, and sometimes hearing aids, it is a Total hassle to remove the mask without dislodging something!
Or, taking it off and putting it on all the time is a pain in the ass, you had other things on your mind, you don't care what the other jackasses on the road think when they look you over and maybe they should mind their own business...
@Umbrella_Guard "There was no pick!!"
The mask is to protect others. There might be a child or passenger in the back seat you can't see. Also, for ride share situations, the driver and passengers are asked to wear masks. Folks sometimes just forget to take them off while their driving, if it's a short drive and they'll just have to put another mask on at their destination.
It's cold and a mask keeps you warm. It's a small hassle to be taking it off and putting it back on again if its a short trip. (I'm rationalizing; I take it off unless I'm feeling really lazy. In one of my jobs, we had to wear earplugs, hardhat, Nomex jumpsuit, and sometimes a respirator. You get used to it and aren't always in a big hurry to remove it all.)