10 5

I was informed yesterday that I write too much. Thanks. No more.

Spinliesel 9 Feb 7

Enjoy being online again!

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I didn't read all of this post. It was too long... Hahahaha...


Don't let them get to you


Now I think that it has to do with not paying ( one way or another)for the bandwidth I am using here. Let's discuss that one , Admin, open and honestly.
I pay Patreon for the privilege of posting on various sites. Maybe that should be a choice.


I sent a message to Admin, asking why in 12 months of posting all the time my Level remained at 8.9. The answer was that my posts were too long. Then messages arrived from the computer in the form of colorful banners on top of my posts telling me I posted too much. Hey, I can take a hint. It is not that I post political comments, but maybe being German is enough of a fault. Yesterday was the 7th anniversary of my becoming an American citizen. Too much information?
Thank you all for your support.


Thanks for the heads up. Like you, I've been stuck on Level 9.3 for over a year. Seems I need to zip it or severely edit my posts. So, prefers memes to thoughtful posts?

On the bright side, you were lucky to get a reply from

For two years, I have notified that their website deletes numbers, dates and multiple words from posts. At first, they replied it's a glitch and they're trying to fix it. Now they don't reply.

Meanwhile, I figured out some work-arounds:

Instead of "daughter," (always deleted), I write "my adult child" or girl."

Instead of 2020, I write "last year." Also spell out numbers. "15" becomes "fifteen." Oddly, we can use numbers in the headline only.

Hyphens help. "Age-31." "12-miles."


More, more, more.....


This post was too long. How ever will life be right again? Woe is me. 😉😀

Your cat is georgous!

@Spinliesel Thank you. ☺️
Here’s the whole pack. 🐾


Ohferpetessake, I thought you had a backbone, girl!!!!
Since when do random asshats control You?.....

He (She, It) was not random, but an admin.

@Spinliesel THE Admin, who no one has seen or heard from in a year or more, and amen to that, or a Group Admin? Not that it should matter one whit to you.....


Who informed you…and why are you paying any heed to them?


you can't write too much except for the dimwitted.


Fuck em, they don't have to read it.

You seem to have an interesting take on a variety of topics, I'm not discouraging anyone but that's better than those who rant endlessly on their pet peeve.

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