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What is your favorite musical?

LadyAlyxandrea 8 Apr 23

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Singin' In The Rain
On The Town
Sound Of Music
Starlight Express (On Stage)
Mary Poppins

and others lol


Singin' in the Rain


Phantom of the Opera ??


I have a whole Spotify playlist of Broadway tunes lol

Sweeny Todd
Book of Mormon
Les Mis
Music Man

I have like 5 Pandora stations just dedicated to musicals


Not big on musicals, so I'm going with... the musical episode of Scrubs. ?

Oh, man, that episode cracks me up every time, especially Dr Cox's patter song.


The Secret Garden.




Streets a Rock opera

Savatage. Great band. Except for Fight For The Rock. That record sucked.



Jesus Christ Superstar..............don't have to be a Catholic or Christian or member of any religion to believe that his teaching and outlook on life and people are worthy goals to have as a person.


I love something rotten

@LadyAlyxandrea This and Mel Brooks on writing History of the World best sum up musicals.
I've just started the set build for Shrek, and even as a carpenter I get excited.


I was inoculated against musicals as a child, I'm afraid.

Me too, can't do musicals.




The Best Little Whorehouse In Texas

Avenue Q

The Rocky Horror Show


Book of Mormon is hilarious but Wicked is perfect.

Marz Level 7 Apr 23, 2018

I like a lot of different ones for different reasons, but Phantom of the Opera is one of my favorites.


No wait my favorite is into the woods

Mine too!


I haven’t seen Hamilton. My favorite is “Les Mis.” #musicals #favoritemusicals #lemis


Fiddler on the Roof is way high up on my list. Along with others already mentioned.


Westside Story, first musical I ever saw and still my all time favorite.


I'm surprised no one has said "Doctor Horrible's Sing a long blog"

Wish they would do a stage version. And Neil Patrick Harris keeps talking about a sequel, but it never seems to happen.


Chicago is one of my all time favorite movies, musical or otherwise!

I love that story, those characters, and of course all that jazz.


My Fair Lady. I saw it at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles years ago. Rex Harrison was always one of my favorite actors and I got to see him in action. I'll never forget it.

Years ago I took my mom to see Rex Harrison as Henry Higgins at the Gershwin Theater on Broadway. It was a great experience.

But it wasn't until I later saw the 1938 film "Pygmalion" starring Leslie Howard and Wendy Hiller that I realized that the primary strength of "My Fair Lady" is the play, which I have come to consider the best of the 20th century. Bernard Shaw won the Oscar for best screenplay, making him the only person to win both an Academy Award and the Nobel Prize for Literature.


Evita. I loved it, still do. Pippin was good too. I'm probably dating myself here.


I like my musicals dark and gritty. No Rogers and Hammerstein for me, thanks.

Favorite musical of all time is Miss Saigon. Man Of La Mancha, The Secret Garden, Les Miserables, Sweeny Todd and Little Shop Of Horrors are also favorites.


I love acting in musicals. My favorite roles to play were Will Parker in "Oklahoma" and George in "Of Mice and Men". My all time favorite though is The original Jesus Christ Super Star with Ted Neeley... Not the John Legend one... He sucked.


I watch cats with my little grand daughter, and she loves it.

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