Over the weekend, Christian hate-preacher Greg Locke, fresh off his book-burning bonfire, began a literal witch hunt at Global Vision Bible Church. He told his congregation that he knew of six witches who were members of his church… and he planned to expose them.
While many online joked about how Locke was laying the groundwork to reject possible allegations that may one day come out against him (for which there’s no evidence), there’s something much more sinister at play here.
Even if you think, as I do, that Locke is just trying to arouse anger in his church members, who need to be perpetually outraged to feel like they’re getting their money’s worth, this particular line of attack is more than just creating a bogeyman.
Locke was essentially reminding church members that they must be obedient to him or else they’re acting against God’s wishes. Dissenters are controlled by Satan. Dissenters have a “Jezebel spirit.” Dissenters must be witches.
Back to The Dark Ages...I'm gladder every day that I'm old........
On FB I said to expect people burning to start at anytime now. Single females and lesbians will be the first targets of hate and possibly violence.