Oh man, killing it!
2 days in a row...
Wordle 243 2/6
Great! Something else I need to wear my finger to a nub playing. Thanks for posting...?
You can only play once a day. That's one of the great things about it.
@JeffMurray elsewhere you can play unlimited wordle and unlimited quordle which is four simultaneous wordles.
@waitingforgodo Nah, the fun part is comparing your score for the day to your friends' scores.
Best eschew quordle ( four simultaneous wordles ).
Google quordle @Lorajay if you dare.
Wordle 242 2/6
Sorry, had to.
But if I didn't score a 2 today, it wouldn't have been worth making that joke.
In Australia too mate. The latest brain dead trend.
Should bring back yo-yo's
Too easy?