Seems the religious in Canada hate Trudeau
The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms does not recognize the “supremacy of God over all human legislation.” That is a Christian Dominionist fantasy (and a coded phrase properly translated as “the supremacy of religious nationalism over the secular state.) A desire to establish a theocracy, in other words. And it’s also more than a little ironic to hear professional religionists accuse secularists of tyranny, considering their own sordid track record in this regard. Their bullshit runneth over.
The Canadian clergies' god has done absolutely nothing to protect Canadians from Covid-19. What the fuck is Trudeau supposed to do, let part of God's creation (humankind) be killed by another part of His creation (Covid-19)?
It's about time God's numbskulls started using their God-given brains!
I’m not holding my breath on that one…
Aww, Is Trudeau spoiling their white supremacist privilege?
This wasn’t a protest so much as a temper tantrum. An “Insurrection For Dummies”.