The bad news? Nearly half of all Americans are still absolutely sure God exists.
I'm no longer confident of my own existence.
Since you typed a post, you most certainly exist.
More bad news: Many of those cited above still are 90%-99% sure God exists.
Hey, don't knock it, for as the Little Old Lady said when she peed in the sea, " Every little bit helps."
@Rossy92 Let me educate you just a little here friend since I do NOT wish to over-tax your cerebral matter beyond its seeming limited capacity.
Firstly, never try to teach a fish to swim or a bird to fly, it will only show the rest of the Universe just what a rank fool you may well be.
Secondly, WHEN you reached a sum total of 68 years on this planet, then you have my expressed permission to come and teach me how to suck eggs, until then, be a good little boy from Hampton, presumably Hampton N.J, and go back and play with yourself in your own bedroom.
@Triphid How remarkably your m.o. resembles the defective rationale of the Bible/Fundamentalists/Trump. While you probably (hopefully???) can recognize such defects in the mentality of the 3 aforementioned, you apparently lack either the brainpower and/or character to steer clear of such defects yourself. This whole dialogue chain has been a testament to your proclivity to use appeals to authority (I could give a ---- about your age), exaggerrated claims not backed by any confirming evidence about your knowledge (that laughable fish/bird analogy), and ad hominem (your blustery attacks show your utter incompetence). I half expect a "Your mama" joke to come out of you next.
@Rossy92 Oh REALLY, you think that it will?
May one asks to which lucky 5 fingered female you will be spending your time with tonight, will it be Miss Left or Miss Right or will you merely change partners mid-stroke to add a bit of that sorely missing spice from your imaginary sex and romance life?
@Rossy92 Oh wow, now I've seen the best your very limited intellect and vocabulary has to offer I am being feel a slight sense of shame for " trading insults" with one such as you.
The reason being is that I initially thought, quite erroneously so it seems, that I was responding to an GROWN ADULT but it seems NOW that what
I was REALLY responding to were the unintelligible and often infantile ravings of someone who, imo, may well be little more than the mind a spoiled child housed in the body of an adult person.
For that error in judgement I truly beg your forgiveness.
@Triphid My my, how my little poop-slinging knuckle-dragger does pathetically persist in trying bring me down to his level. You fool no one, and are clearly way out of your depth. You desperately flail, and fail, with grade school level insults. And BTW, your already suspect claims of ever having successfully counseled anyone, are becoming all the more dubious with the rank immaturity of your every successive utterance. Frankly, I think you're one big fat con.
@Rossy92 WHAT you mean you can actually think, i.e. meaning fit more 2 words of more than SINGLE Syllables TOGETHER WITHOUT your Mammy or Baby-sitter ACTUALLY doing ALL the thinking for you.
Please do NOT go away, I'm about to report this unusual Scientific Phenomenon to my fellow members at MENSA as well as quite a number of Universities as well.
Good news, next things needed are,
A) Yanks to STOP believing in Gods altogether,
B) stop believing in the HYPE that the Universe NEEDS to SAVED and remodeled in to a pseudo-America, and,
C) to CEASE and DESIST with the insane belief that the U.S. is the Be All, End All of everything and anything, and, last but by NO means LEAST,
D) that the U.S. is just yet another case of very little fish living amongst countless other just as many little fishes and all living and share exactly the same pond, same water, etc, etc.
A poll will tell you nonsense like this. The truth is people all believe in a god but believe in him their own way. This is why we have so many denominations and so much god belief.
Years ago in my church dayz a man with a heart problem wanted the church to go with the idea that he had died in prayer but everyone prayed so hard that he came back to life. The church did not see it that way so this man went on to another church. We all know that he then lied about his resurrection. This is what happens when you believe in the invisible man and want to be important. (Hey, Jesus. I was resurrected too.)
Half of Americans want to be sure a god exists. To believe otherwise it would mean their lives are as meaningless as it really is.
Shows how strong indoctrination can be…….and the fear of the unknown.
Ship all the believers to Texas, and THEN build the fucking wall.
An post armed guards at the only gate in to texas.
How about Bikini Atoll instead, NO need for Armed Guards, fences and the like.
THE BIG plus is that SHARK population is ALWAYS ready, willing and most able to " roll out the Welcome mat" and invite new friends around to take part in a meal, so to speak.
@Triphid But why torment the sharks with that kind of garbage and pollution? LOL
@CuddyCruiser Hey, FYI, sharks are well known to EAT almost everything and ANYTHING so a few hundred or so these rabid nut-cases will only be a tempting morsel ant the very least.
One would have thought that with you professing to be a sailor, possibly of sorts or types, would know all about the denizens of the deep.
@Triphid Well……sharks don’t exactly like the taste of human flesh……on one occasion we were chumming (spreading fish guts and blood in the water to attract sharks) and chicken was in there as well and the sharks left that alone. That explains why a typical shark attack on humans involves the shark taking a bite out of someone and going away because they know it isn’t their food. To a shark a human on a surfboard looks like a seal or sea lion.
@CuddyCruiser Funny that because attacks from Sharks rank as high as approx. 27% of Deaths in the Oceans next to Drownings, Boating Accidents, etc, etc.
Of course attacks resulting in death caused by Bull sharks would be rare over your way because the average ambient water temp/ is lower than they can usually tolerate.