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Liberty, Freedom & free will. Does nature deny such concepts for humans?

Liberty, Freedom & free will. Does nature deny such concepts for humans?

I can give you that you have an unlimited (except for physics,) freedom of choice.

But that freedom can only be described as the freedom to break the tribal laws you have accepted till that point in time. We are born sheeple and must break our mimic programming.

We are fully free to break those tribal laws that we have lived by, --- but cannot really exercise freedom from their association and biases, both good and evil.

This lack of freedom applies to our bodies. That limit may not apply to minds. We may be able to have free minds, should we choose to. I may have experienced it the one time.

Have you ever been free in either body or spirit? The results?

Freedom vs Security: Freedom at any cost? - YouTube


Greatest 5 Mar 5

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Nature, however you define it (unless by Nature you mean some gawd, in which case you have gone severely astray) doesn't give one rat's ass about individuals, free, imprisoned, or ingested, and never has.

Nature created and sustained me all of my life.

If I were to venerate or adore anything, it would be the nature that gave my life.


Permanent spiritual liberation.

skado Level 9 Mar 5, 2022
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