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Reiki Anyone?

I'm curious as to people's thoughts on Reiki energy. First I should preface this with the information that I became a Reiki practitioner at least 18 years ago but really haven't used it much in 15 years. It's all about energy and using energy. And it is not the same as laying on of hands. Do you believe that we humans can sense energy and potentially use it? And I'm not even surecehat category to put this in.

AmelieMatisse 8 Apr 24

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It's woo. I've been a licensed massage therapist specializing in neuromuscular deep tissue and it burns my biscuits when I see someone perform reiki and then proclaim some BS about I feel your lower intestines are blocked simply by hovering their hands over their body. Everyone's lower intestines are blocked because they have to take a shit. I use this as an example because I heard it yesterday from a woo master. No offense.

I'm certainly not offended by any of the comments. My feeling is that people are so in need of human connection and touch that they buy into it.


Well, humans can sense heat energy and use it to cook. There’s many more examples like that, I’m not going to try to list.




Nope. All the nope. I run away when folks start waving that around.


I wrote the original question and seeing all the answers made me think of something else. A long time ago I was asked to be the Christmas angel in the town parade. I don't believe in angels but I do like fun stuff and I had a huge pair of archangel wings and a gorgeous red and gold angel outfit and even a halo. So it was a fun dress up occasion for me but what happened during the parade was that people actually believed I was an angel and they wanted to tell me their troubles and they wanted to touch me or hold my hand. It was an amazingly poignant lesson for me to understand how desperately some people want to believe in something.


No offense but pure quackery

I'm not at all offended. I was very curious as to what would be the reaction of people on this site.


One of my best friends is a Reiki practitioner. She is also a certified Naturopathic healer and secular minister. The couple have an amazing labyrinth and are into nature big time. Reiki works for some people (like my late partner) but I don't feel a thing. To me it's all about one's mind. I do believe one's mind can do fantastic things (ever hear of stigmata's).

Yes I have heard of stigmata. I don't think we understand a lot about what is possible

There is a wonderful labyrinth that is part of Delaware Museum of art. I've walked it a few times. It is quite meditative.

@AmelieMatisse Does it have goats, a vegetable garden, the ashes of a couple of people who worked on it and Friday Labyrinth Fairies?

@AmelieMatisse The mind is capable of almost anything. Unfortunately, the stigmata proves it is not coming from some god as the wounds are wrong. The hand wounds should be in the wrists.

@JackPedigo no unfortunately not. That sounds fantastic


Do you believe that we humans can sense energy and potentially use it?
NO, there is no scientific evidence of this at all.
What there is , is a lot of cognitive bias on both the praticioner and the patient, this can create a mental feedback loop between them reinforcing the bias, so both think and/or "feel". In other words its a mental state of mind,

No energy can be measured in any way, no energy we can detect, or that we understand in any way at all.

SO, your question actually is
Do you believe that we humans can sense magical, supernatual, undetectable, energy and potentially use it?

No, I dont. I do think people can be talked into that though, because we are emotional beings and the appeal is emotive in nature. People "Feel" it is true.
But feelings are not a good source of evidence of a truth, they are brain effects we can and do cause ourselves to feel.


There is a lot of things I don't know.... don't we use like less than 10% of our brain capacity? Humans are still in their infancy so I won't get to see it but this specie potential is beyond our actual comprehension. Nature at work!!!

@HoracioM my guess is that most humans very rarely have most of their brain in gear LOL

@AmelieMatisseYep, I am waiting for a coroner to say... The corpse's brain was barely used at all... looks in mint condition!

@GipsyOfNewSpain good one!!


Of course. We are made of matter, which is just slowed-down energy.


I looked into it a few years back. It seemed like bunk pseudoscience.


I believe in placebo and in cup - of - tea - and - a-chat therapy (someone taking an interest and being caring). So I believe in reiki itself, its principles etc, no, not at all. Though, because I understand and believe in placebo as well as cup of tea therapy, I understand why people feel better after such 'treatments'.



Really want to bend your brain ? Read up on falun qigong.


It works..I am a cynic with most things but someone practised Reiki on me and it most definitely made me feel much better emotionally.


3rd level Usui master❣?? i havent practiced for years either. My energy needs unclouding & balance. Working on it??

Emme Level 7 Apr 24, 2018

Thanks for your response. I was a Level 4 Master/Teacher. I passed on the teacher level to someone who now has a very good business that includes other modalities. I never wanted to do Reiki for $$$. Also I realized that I had issues with the symbols as I am aware of 3 different schools of Reiki with 3 different sets of symbols. I started thinking that if only one set is legitimate that makes 2/3 of the Reiki people ineffective. So I began to think that the symbols aren't anything and that your intent is what counts. When I realized that's how I felt I pretty much put it to the side.



Reiki is as effective as using the wind from a hairdryer to knock down a building. I doubt there is any citation to back up Reiki, or anything like it.

have you ever tried it?

@triumph56 No, but I have read about it, and it sounds pretty weak.


hubble bubble toil and trouble



Is that pseudoscience?


Someone starts talking energies, aura, chakra, I smile.
Sip my mocha.



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