Why do dirty, disgusting fucking Republicans hate women so much?
@MaryChristmas The women they "like" could get just as murdered by this as any other woman. Seems like the filthy fuckin' shit bags hate all women.
@MaryChristmas Rethuglicans are terrified of mentally strong women who know their own minds.
@MaryChristmas That's s good point.
@MaryChristmas Another good point! Man I never thought of that. So true.
We do not want anyone who is actually intelligent to make the rules. How would that work?
If this bill gets signed into law, and any mother then dies as a result of an ectopic pregnancy, should those lawmakers who voted for it be charged with murder?
Missouri law makers are criminally ignorant when it comes to basic medical facts.
My dad was from Missouri. I hate Missouri. Dumb people. Dumb laws. Dumb relatives.
Only one recorded case of a woman not dead from ectopic pregnancy.... she lived in the mountains of SALVADOR and carried a calcified 5 pound fetus for decades ....when she traveled to a city to find out why she could not have MORE children THE catholic doctors surgically removed the fetus shaped ROCK and had a high funeral mass christened the damn rock put a lace gown on the gawdamn thing then buried it in an expensive coffin
Images seem to go fuzzy when they shrink them slightly to fit them with the post. FWIW.
On my Kindle for instance, I click on the picture and it it expands a little and gets sharp again. I would have thought there would be a better way -- but I haven't been through it.
Edit -- BTW. You're so right. They specifically call out ectopic pregnancies?
Why not at least go the other way and allow terminations -- for the mother's sake?
With republicans the cruelty is the point.
With theocrats the point is most rethuglicans and some few demonRATs would rather women&embryonic goo DIE than receive competent surgical gynecology care PAID FOR BY MEDICAID in Springfield MIssery