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Does body temperature affect how long we live? Interesting study, but needs more research.

Organist1 8 Mar 16

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Doesn’t every scientific advance start with incomplete info? The enemy is religion and its need for ignorance.


If it was internal temp I guessi would live to 160 ++...I had alot of trouble during Covid as my temp runs low enough that those forehead readers couldn't register it.....93-ish


Interesting article.


Hmm... I don't know that I agree with that premise. I live in a warm climate. I'm seldom too warm or too cold, 99% of the time I'm just right. My internal temperature is naturally lower than the average body temp, if that makes any difference to my comfort level. I tend to wear very light weight clothing for the most part.

My state (Hawaii) has the longest life expectancy in the country. I don't like to be cold, so I'm happy to take my chances being warm.



Interesting report. Does it mean people living in warmer climates have shorter lifespans? What about indoor temps? If we lower our thermostats would that prolong our lives?

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