(I have to wonder if this comes out of progress or necessity.)
VATICAN CITY, March 19 (Reuters) - Pope Francis on Saturday introduced a landmark change allowing any baptized lay Catholic, male or female, to head most departments as part of a new constitution for the Vatican's central administration.
Hmm, now IF that be so then Attendances at Services by females must be falling drastically OR it is a ploy introduced by the Protector of Paedophile Employees, aka P.O.P.E.com/Pope, as an attempt to 'draw' his kiddy-fiddling Henchmen away from little Altar Boys instead, thus saving the Vatican Coffers becoming even more targeted by all the Law suits it is now facing.
Who votes for either of the following being the REAL underlying reason,
A) Papal 'change' of heart to allow women more rolls in the Misogynistic Catholic Church, or,
B) A new PLOY to draw his Paedophile employees away from children and on to women instead, thus saving the Church of Catholic Depravity from facing even more and more Law Suits?
Both A & B.
I have no love, or least bit of liking, of the catholic church. That said, the more uneducated lay folks that they allow in charge, the more the church becomes little different from the evangelicals. Remember the Kentucky catholics....