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Could someone please tell me if Watson's claim here is legitimate-

I have doubts on his claim, and suspect a Russian shill account was responsible for posting the original video. Unfortunately, some of the Putin apologists I've been arguing with on another site are using this incident to criticize Ukraine further. Any leads would be much appreciated.

SpikeTalon 9 Mar 25

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Old saying. "The first casualty of war is truth." And that applies on both sides, but who knows, it may well be a clumsy Russian attempt to downgrade Ukrainian credibility, since it is so obviously fake, ( It does not even look like a real helicopter or a real explosion. ), that it is hard to believe that any one would ever really attempt to use it as propaganda.


Sometimes I like to watch combat footage of apache helicopters or ac130 missions in the middle east. Every now and then an Arma video will pop up and sometimes it takes a second to kick in that I'm watching a video game.

Tejas Level 8 Mar 25, 2022

NO clue, man... That's the first I've seen of this guy. Hell... I guess it's possible. Hard to know who to trust these days when it comes to foreign countries. I believe my eyes looking at the videos of the cities bombed out, and the interviews of the people there. I seriously doubt that's ALL faked.

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