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LINK Live updates | Ukraine: 410 civilian bodies found near Kyiv

Suburban life in Ukraine.

Mooolah 8 Apr 3

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Looks like genocide to me. I sure hope our government and our allies governments wake the hell up and see this for what it is.


@JackPedigo Ex KGB = sociopathic traits. One would have to be for what the KGB did. He has no conscience except to "Make Russia Great Again" and I am paraphrasing Adolf Hitler. Not President You-Know-Who. He is being ill advised, if he can even hear his advisors sitting so far down table. Sociopath.

His 'advisors' are in name only. They shit their pants whenever they feel they must tell him some truths. Being an advisor to people like him is more a punishment than a prestigious. We see that in our own government. When these people can't handle truths the whole country and maybe even the world suffers.


Only one 'man' (and I use the word very loosely) is responsible. I think things like this will come back to haunt the Russian POS as it should. I even wonder if he's aware of this barbarity (or even cares). Hopefully, when this is over Fuhrer Putin will have nowhere to hide.

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